Super Smash Bros. 4

Mii Swordfighter (SSB4)

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This article is about Mii's appearance in Super Smash Bros. 4. For the character in other contexts, see Mii.
Mii Swordfighter
in Super Smash Bros. 4
Mii Swordfighter
Universe Super Smash Bros.
Availability Starter
Final Smash Final Edge
Mii Swordfighter (SSB4)
Swordfighters are weapon masters. They stay cool and calm as they chase down opponents.

A Mii Swordfighter (剣術タイプ, Fencing Type), or Mii Sword Fighter in the PAL version, is one of the three different types of Mii Fighters that appear in Super Smash Bros. 4, along with Mii Brawlers and Mii Gunners.


Mii Swordfighters have average mobility, as they run noticeably slower than Mii Brawlers (though their walking speed is faster) and have the lowest jump height of the Mii Fighters, along with the inability to wall jump, unlike the Mii Brawlers and Mii Gunners. This prevents them from chasing and keeping close to opponents like their Brawler counterparts, along with giving them one of the less reliable recoveries compared to the other two Mii Fighters. Also, their attacks are weaker and aren't dealt as quickly than the Brawler, albeit with a bit more range, although they still don't have as much range as the Mii Gunner (although the Swordfighter's attacks are faster than the latter).

Although they possess the ability to keep opponents at a distance with their disjointed hitboxes, the Swordfighter is particularly hampered by their previously mentioned mobility, along with surprisingly weak KO moves that are equally punishable. Of all their attacks, their only reliable and strongest finishers, which are their forward smash, up and back aerials (along with Blade Flurry and Hero's Spin should customs allow it) are heavy with ending lag while having below-average knockback to boot (with the exception of their up aerial, which is their strongest kill move), which can make it unrewarding even if they land unless the opponent is at an extremely high percentage. The Swordfighter's grounded moveset is additionally heavy with ending lag (noticeably their tilts), making them noticeably easy to punish with characters that are quick on the ground (like Little Mac), which is further hampered by their low mobility. The Swordfighter is more at home in the air thanks to their quicker aerial moves that can either be used for low-percentage combos or gimping, notably their neutral and forward aerial, two of their fastest moves, and their surprisingly powerful up and back aerials which can KO at a respectable percentage. They additionally possess a decent throw combo game thanks to their moderately fast aerial moves and their throws and down tilt, notably their down throw to up aerial or down tilt to neutral or forward air, although they lose viability once the opponent is above a certain percentage and require bad DI on the opponent's part when above these percentages. Unfortunately, the Swordfighter's moves require more precision to land against an opponent when compared to the Brawler and Gunner, especially their aerial KO and combo moves, due to their unusually placed hitboxes that gives them a much harder time in a neutral game, especially when compared to their Mii counterparts.

Regardless, to make up for the lack of mobility and power of the other Miis, the Swordfighter comes packed with versatility in his custom moves, and can find aid with character customization if it is allowed. A larger Mii improves their overall weak finishing options, at the cost of being a larger target and significantly increasing the ending lag of their already laggy grounded attacks. A smaller Mii reduces their damage output and further cripples their weak KO moves, but interestingly gives the Swordfighter a deceptively large sword compared to their body size, which enhances their ability to fight from a distance, and also greatly increases their mobility and attack speed, allowing them to be more in line with a combo-oriented character.

The Swordfighter can also potentially have some of the more interesting custom movesets in the game: with access to three projectiles, the Swordfighter can be played as a solely camping character with their push-inducing Gale Strike, damage-over-distance Shuriken of Light and approach-stopping Chakram, allowing them to pester opponents from a distance or force opponents into a bad position (especially with a small Mii, allowing them to quickly position themselves once needed). This projectile playstyle can be stacked with Power Thrust, which allows the Swordfighter to quickly move around the stage. Blade Flurry and Hero's Spin give the Swordfighter a few more finishing options that are well needed due to their weak moveset, and being the only Mii Fighters to possess a Counter and a move similar to Mario's Cape also allows them to create distance against combo fighters and projectiles, birthing a more patient playstyle in favor of an aggressive one. Their recoveries can additionally be improved with Hero's Spin (their most reliable recovery), Airborne Assault (which gives the most amount of horizontal distance) and Skyward Slash Dash (after the 1.1.0 update). However, most of these moves have flaws: Shuriken of Light is useless at point blank as it causes no hitstun, and most of their projectile moves have high ending lag. Outside of Airborne Assault, the Swordfigher's other horizontal recoveries, Slash Launcher and Skyward Slash Dash, give sub-par distance, giving them trouble if they are semi-spiked, and Stone Scabbard gives high vertical distance, but the risk of SDing. Blade Counter and Reversal Slash's versatility are hampered by being situational, and Blade Flurry and Hero's Spin still have difficulty KOing until high percentages.

Overall, the Swordfighter possesses slightly more versatility than the other Mii Fighters and can compliment different playstyles depending on their customization. However, they are held back by their laggy and weak finishing options, along with a lack of competitive representation.


All damage listed in this table assumes a default Mii of perfectly average height and weight.

  Name Damage Description
Neutral attack   4% Two downward horizontal slashes followed by an upward vertical slash.
Forward tilt   12% Swipes the blade once in a wide arc in front of himself/herself.
Up tilt   7% A single slash in an arc above his/her head. Covers the Swordfighter's entire upper body.
Down tilt   8% Stabs along the ground, similar to Marth's down tilt. Decently fast.
Dash attack   10% (early), 6% (late) Thrusts the sword forward. Good knockback, but punishable if shielded.
Forward smash   14% (hilt), 15% (blade), 16% (tip) Holds the sword with two hands, then steps forward and swings it in front of his/herself similar to Roy's forward smash (although the Swordfighter actually predates Roy). Deals good knockback and has surprisingly high range, but suffers from startup and ending lag.
Up smash   4% (hit 1), 3% (hits 2 and 3), 7% (last hit) Jumps and performs a series of three corkscrewing slashes over him/herself before touching the ground, launching the enemy on the last hit, similar to Pit's up smash. Has trouble hitting opponents behind the Swordfighter, requiring foes to be in almost direct contact with them.
Down smash   12% (hit 1), 15% (hit 2) Slashes along the ground in front of and behind his/herself. Slight ending lag.
Neutral aerial   8% Slashes in a circle around himself/herself while doing a corkscrew in the air. A good spacing and approach move that can be used similarly to Shulk's neutral aerial, although with much less range.
Forward aerial   3% (hits 1 and 2), 5% (hit 3) Stabs forward multiple times, similar in function to Kirby's forward aerial. The first two hits trap opponents into the final hit, which deals good knockback. Spammable when short hopped, although the Swordfighter must be careful not to land too early or the opponent will end up right beside them.
Back aerial   14% Swipes the blade behind himself/herself. Extremely fast, very similar to Ike's back air, except with less range and damage. One of the Swordfighter's reliable aerial finishers.
Up aerial   16% (early), 10% (late) Points the sword above his/her head and spins, similar to Link's up aerial (except the Swordfighter spins). Very good knockback when sweetspotted, being a good finishing move especially since it stays out for a long time.
Down aerial   1% (hits 1-5), 5% (landing hit) Points the sword below himself/herself and spins. The attack hits multiple times before ending with a strong final hit. Acts as a drill that weakly meteor smashes opponents with set knockback on the final hit, and lasts for a decently long time. Unlike most aerials, the landing hit while using the move is actually its main form of offense, causing a shockwave around the fighter that knocks others away with high knockback.
Grab   Grabs the foe with their free hand.
Pummel   3.25% Pounds the opponent with the hilt of their sword. Incredibly slow.
Forward throw   6% Front kicks the enemy away. Above-average knockback for a throw.
Back throw   6% Hits the enemy away with a back kick. Like forward throw, it has above-average knockback. It's the Mii Swordfighter's strongest throw, but it doesn't start KOing until very high percentages.
Up throw   5% Slashes the enemy above his/her head.
Down throw   4% Drops the enemy to the ground and stomps on them. Very similar to Ike's down throw. Can follow into an up air at low to medium percentages (depending on the opponent's weight and DI).
Forward roll
Back roll
Spot dodge
Air dodge
Floor attack (front)
Floor getups (front)
Floor attack (back)
Floor getups (back)
Floor attack (trip)
Floor getups (trip)
Edge attack
Edge getups
  7% Climbs onto the stage and stabs forward.
Neutral special Default Gale Strike 3.7%, 2.9%, or 2% per hit Creates a mini-tornado and sends it forwards. The damage that it deals decreases the farther it travels and it can push opponents during the end. Aesthetically, this move resembles Link's Gale Boomerang, and functions similarly to a toned-down version of the Ore Club's smash attack tornadoes.
Custom 1 Shuriken of Light 2%, 4%, 6.6%, or 10% depending on distance Throws a bright, translucent shuriken forwards. The shuriken gains more damaging power as it travels, unable to flinch opponents at point-blank range but doing more knockback at maximum range. Useful for camping. Looks like Greninja's Water Shuriken, but uses light instead of water.
Custom 2 Blade Flurry 9.9-23.75% if all hits connect Charges briefly before stabbing with the sword forward multiple times before finishing in a high-knockback thrust, which looks similar to Shield Breaker. It is able to heavily damage a shield if fully charged.
Side special Default Airborne Assault 7.2-16% Charges up then launches at the enemy, somersaulting with the blade. Travels in a light arc, and the Swordfighter bounces off opponents if it hits, making it function similarly to a long-range Bouncing Fish, or Raptor Boost to a lesser extent.
Custom 1 Slash Launcher 6-10.2% Charges, then dashes forward with a sword strike. Can slice through multiple opponents. Resembles Ike's Quick Draw in function.
Custom 2 Chakram 7% if all hits connect (slow chakram), 6.5% (fast chakram) Throws a chakram that can be sent upwards, downwards, or straight forward. If inputted like a Smash attack, it will fly faster with increased range and damage. Otherwise, it will fly in front of the Swordfighter and stall in mid-air, hitting multiple times. The chakram can be lodged into the floor and walls like Mega Man's Metal Blade, but cannot be picked up.
Up special Default Stone Scabbard 5% (hit 1), 3% (hit 2), 5% (hit 3), 6% (sword when going through platforms) Slashes upwards while jumping and then downwards while falling. The second hit is a powerful meteor smash. Similar to Kirby's Final Cutter or Ike's Aether.
Custom 1 Skyward Slash Dash 12% if all hits connect A series of sword strikes while rising into the air. The dash can be aimed in any direction using the control stick. Similar to Falco's Fire Bird in that it hits multiple times.
Custom 2 Hero's Spin 14-19% (ground), 14% in the air if all hits connect Spins with sword; if used in the air, the Mii will rise, doing multiple hits. Functions like Link's Spin Attack.
Down special Default Blade Counter 1.25x the damage of countered attacks, 8% minimum Functions similarly to other characters' counterattacks; The Mii holds his/her sword behind them in a reverse grip, and strikes with a retaliatory slash when hit.
Custom 1 Reversal Slash 6% to opponents. Reflected projectiles deal 1.5x damage A rainbow-coloured slash that reflects projectiles and turns around characters hit by it. Gives the Swordfighter a slight air boost when used in the air. Similar to Mario's Cape, but harder to land.
Custom 2 Power Thrust 10%/8% (grounded sourspot hit); 13%/11%/8% (grounded and aerial sweetspot hit); 10%/8%/5.5% (aerial sourspot hit); 7% (landing hit) Shoots forward quickly, stabbing with the sword. When used in the air, the Swordfighter launches at a downwards diagonal direction. The tip of the sword deals more damage, much like most of Marth's attacks. This move acts similar to Captain Falcon's Falcon Kick, but much quicker with less range and power.
Final Smash Final Edge 8% (wave, close), 6% (wave, far) Displays their sword and fires waves of energy off of it. Functions similarly to Wii Fit. In the 3DS version, the energy waves are all aimed horizontally, while in the Wii U version, this move appears to send out energy waves in more directions, thus having more range. The projectiles bear resemblance to the Sword Beam from the Legend of Zelda series.


  • Throws sword in the air, spins, and catches sword similar to what Fox does with his blaster in one of his taunts.
  • Twirls sword, then holds it in reverse grip behind.
  • Performs a pose similar to one of Link's taunts. Also sets them back a little.

Victory Fanfare

A short version of the menu theme.

Victory Poses

  • Drops from the sky, spins and poses.
  • Throws sword up while spinning, then points it in front.
  • Stabs multiple times, then spins and poses, facing the screen.

In competitive play

Official Custom Moveset Project

Character Custom sets available
MiiSwordfighter (SSB4) Mii Swordfighter 2131 2111 2132 2112 2133
2113 2231 2211 2232 2212
2233 2213 1332 1312 1132
1112 1232 1212

Notable players


Mii Swordfighter Ntsc / Mii Sword Fighter Pal
Ntsc This fighter is based on a player's Mii and favors a sword in battle. Enjoy the extra reach the sword offers, but remember that it takes a bit longer for strikes to reach your opponent as a result. Customize your Mii with chargeable moves, counters, or projectile attacks.
Pal A fighter based on your Mii! The main draw of Sword Fighters is the extra reach that they get thanks to their swords. On top of that, they have a lot of varied moves to choose from. Unfortunately, a lot of sword attacks have a bit of delay between pressing the button and landing the attack, so you'll need to be very careful not to leave yourself open!
Wii U: Super Smash Bros. for Wii U
Mii Swordfighter (Alt.) Ntsc / Mii Sword Fighter (Alt.) Pal
Ntsc One of the Mii Swordfighter side specials actually uses a throwing disc called a chakram! How quickly you press your desired direction controls how fast and far the chakram flies and how much damage it does. Several other moves, like Skyward Slash Dash, also work in this manner.
Pal One of the Mii Sword Fighter side specials actually uses a throwing disc called a chakram! How quickly you choose a direction controls how far and fast the chakram flies, as well as the kind of damage it does. This kind of quick-aiming action also applies to other special moves, like Super Slash Dash.
Wii U: Super Smash Bros. for Wii U
Final Edge
Ntsc The Mii Swordfighter will rise its sword, firing multiple shock waves forward in its Final Smash. The waves will expand outward and push foes off the screen. Walls and the ground can't stop this display of power, so this Final Smash is exceptional at taking out several rivals at the same time.
Pal With sword held high, Mii Sword Fighter unleashes a barrage of shock waves. They spread out in a fan pattern, dealing multiple blows to foes they touch, while also pushing them towards the edge of the screen. This Final Smash can even hit through walls and floors, making it easy to attack lots of opponents at once!

Update history

Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS 1.0.4

  • Change Certain hitbox properties have been adjusted.

Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS 1.0.6

  • Buff Down tilt damage: 6% → 8%
  • Buff Neutral aerial damage: 5% → 8%
  • Buff Hero's Spin (grounded) damage: 12-16% → 14-19%

Super Smash Bros. 4 1.0.8

  • Buff Jab improved; it has 2 less frames of startup, transitions faster, and link all hits more reliably. It additionally has less ending lag.
  • Buff Forward tilt has less ending lag.
  • Buff Dash attack's hitboxes are larger.
  • Buff Down smash has less ending lag.
  • Buff Neutral aerial has 2 less frames of ending lag.
  • Buff Forward aerial has larger hitboxes, in addition to reduced landing lag.
    • Buff Back aerial deals 2% more damage, with the increased knockback making it a more reliable KO move.
  • Change Airborne Assault launches at a lower trajectory.

Super Smash Bros. 4 1.1.0

Alternate costumes

Base game

Mii Swordfighter costumes
Cybernetic Suit Ninja Outfit Standard Outfit Pirate Outfit Plate Armor Samurai Armor Neon Suit
  • The color of the costume depends on the Mii's original color from the Mii Maker.

Downloadable content

DLC Costume SSB T-Shirt.jpg DLC Costume Link Outfit.jpg DLC Costume Dunban Outfit.jpg DLC Costume Monkey Suit.jpg
DLC Costume Zero's Armor.jpg DLC Costume Hoodie Outfit.jpg DLC Costume Chrom Outfit.jpg DLC Costume Black Knight Helm.jpg
DLC Costume Lloyd Outfit.jpg
SSB T-Shirt Link Outfit Dunban Outfit Monkey Suit
Zero's Armor Hoodie Chrom Outfit Black Knight Outfit
Lloyd Outfit



  • The design of the Mii Swordfighter used in promotional material and in-game renders is based on a slightly edited version of Guest B, one of the pre-loaded Miis available for use in titles with Mii support. Of the three, the Mii Swordfighter has the least drastic change in design; simply changing the design of his hair and widening the eye placement a bit.
  • The Mii Swordfighter's sword trail varies with the outfit he/she is currently wearing: most outfits use Link's afterimage-heavy sword trail, while the Neon Suit gives the Mii's sword Marth's glowing tipper (although this is only aesthetic).
  • The Swordfighter's Dunban outfit shows them holding the sword with their right hand. However, in Xenoblade Chronicles, Dunban is unable to use his right arm from overexposure of the Monado's power, so he can only attack with his left arm.
    • A similar situation applies to the Link costume. However, Link has wield the sword with his right hand in the Wii version of Twilight Princess and Skyward Sword.
  • There seems to be an oddity if the Mii Swordfighter equips the Chrom outfit. When using Blade Counter, the Mii will hold the crossguard of the sword instead of the handle(during the swing).
  • All of the Swordfighter's chargeable special moves share the same charging sound.
  • The default Mii Swordfighter has a slightly larger nose in his trophies than in his promotional art and the Mii Fighter character select art.
  • The Mii Swordfighter is the only sword fighter in Super Smash Bros. 4 that can reflect projectiles, via Reversal Slash.
**This also means the Mii Swordfighter is the only character in the Super Smash Bros. series to ever reflect projectiles.