I'm Jarie スイクン (aka: Jarie Suicune), a Smasher since Super Smash Bros. 64, playing all versions, though mostly active in Smash 4 (or whatever the newest one is, if more time has passed...).
I usually rant and state my opinions with my first time around, so please don't stick around if you aren't open-minded enough to accept my closed-mindedness.
- I may make this more Userpage-ish at some later time, if I feel like it. And remember it exists.
My favorite Smash game is all of them.
- But it would be "whatever the newest one is", if I were forced to choose.
My favorite characters are all female (including female forms).
- My best characters are all of the females, plus a couple others.
- Typcially, my BEST character is Samus/Zero Suit Samus (Together or both, depending on if it's Brawl or not)
I'm a Casual-Hardcore gamer.
- That's a type that seems generally hated by the Smash Community. And I don't care about reasons why that's not true.
- "All [insert 'best' character's name for the game here], Final Destination, no items!"
- BORING. Also, shows lack of skill for the game in it's entirety. These players have small, specialized skill-sets which they force on everyone else in the name of "Balance/Fairness".
- Naturally, this gets misinterpreted as "I NEVER play that way, you people are such losers". Of course I do, sometimes it's fun to have a basic one-on-one with no possible obstacles. I just play ALL styles competitively.
- BORING. Also, shows lack of skill for the game in it's entirety. These players have small, specialized skill-sets which they force on everyone else in the name of "Balance/Fairness".
- "All [insert 'best' character's name for the game here], Final Destination, no items!"
- ie: Casual-Hardcore = Plays for fun, but has the hardcore skillset of upper-tier players.
- We use all items, we use all characters, we fight on every stage without worry.
I'm male. I use female avatars/characters/etc.
I hate most official translations (Japanese->English) for game/anime/book/etc., so I import my consoles and games. Hence I don't use the English names for characters, items, and such, which sometimes leaves me confused for a bit when someone uses the English name I don't recognize (I use the English names when editing wiki pages, of course, to save someone else the trouble).
- I know Japanese as well (far from a top translator though), big shock.
- And it's nice to get a game as soon as it comes out, rather than waiting however long!
- A random and spontaneously-made friend and I took 2nd at a doubles tournament in Brawl with the final round against a duo of state champions, making it to the 3rd of 5 rounds.
- Not bad for someone who never did a tourney before with a random buddy. And I get worse in crowds and with strong nervous tension... Doubt we would have won anyways, as at least I had never trained for doubles, let alone played together previously.
- I don't much like my experiences with the Smash community, especially just here on the wiki.
- The wiki itself is amazing, and I love it!
- I don't play online much, but when I do, I enjoy it! Especially now that there is more control over who you play with online in Smash 4!
Games I Have/Play
Listed by series' title, or the game's title if just one in a series. If there are specific ones rather than the full series, they will be sub-listed. Otherwise, yes, I play THE WHOLE SERIES. In Japanese, whenever possible.
Nintendo games
- 大乱闘スマッシュブラザーズ (you're currently on it's wiki, if you don't recognize the title)
- Wii Fit U
- Pokémon
- Bravely Default & Bravely Second
- Shining Force
- Sonic the Hedgehog (Including the Sega games, of course!)
- Golden Sun
- Okami (and Okamiden)
- Bayonetta (2)
- Zero series (aka: Fatal Frame. I've only played 2, 4, and 5 due to Nintendo release, as well as Camera (3DS))
- Xenoblade X (I didn't play the first one)
- Super Mario
- Super Mario Bros.
- Super Mario Bros. for Super Players (Super Mario Bros. 2, aka "The Lost Levels")
- New Super Mario Bros.
- Super Mario 3D World
- Mario Kart series
- Mario Kart Wii
- Mario Kart 7
- Mario Kart 8
- Metroid series (Yes, I DO like Other M. I didn't play the English version, so yeah. Good voice in Japanese.)
- 無双 series (Musou series, aka "Warriors series")
- 戦国無双3 猛将伝 (Sengoku Musou 3)
- 無双OROCHI2Hyper (Musou Orochi 2 Hyper)
- Zelda 無双 (Zelda Musou)
- Luminous Arc 1-3
- PangYa!
- Naruto 激闘忍者大戦 (NOT the non-Japanese "Clash of Ninja" games. I treat them quite separately.)
- Fire Emblem Awakening
- Fire Emblem if
- Ninja Gaiden 3: Razor's Edge
- Tekken
Card games
- Pokémon (I collect Japanese only)
- 遊☆戯☆王 (I collect Japanese only)
- Magic the Gathering (I collect either English or Japanese)
Xbox games
Sadly... I finally gave in and now have an Xbox One. I still main Nintendo though. Also, I don't pay for "Gold". What a ripoff.
Gamertag: Jarie Suicune
Xbox One games
- Dragonball Xenoverse
- Dead or Alive 5
- Borderlands 2 and Pre-sequel
- Minecraft (sadly... but it's for with my pals. At least is was only $5)
Xbox 360 games
- Doritos Crash Course (YEAH! Avatar play! Xbox One SO needs some good games that uses Avatars.)
- Bayonetta (already had played and cleared it on WiiU though)
- Borderlands
- Castlevania Lords of Shadow 2
- Fable III
PC games
- Jill of the Jungle
- Xargon
- Jazz Jackrabbit
- Worms (Armageddon)
- I am not impressed with the rest of the Worms series. Armageddon was really the best one. World Party was ok... but removed much of the amazing custom features from Armageddon. The newer ones... just pale in comparison. Still fun, just nowhere nearly as good. The 3D-style ones are no good.
Playstation games
None. I don't have a Playstation at all. Though I may get one eventually... maybe. Annoying controllers...
PSN ID: JarieSuicune