The Smash Brothers
The Smash Brothers is a documentary series directed by Samox, released in October 2013, shortly after the second largest Smash tournament of all time, EVO 2013. It is primarily about the competitive scene of Super Smash Bros. Melee, with nine episodes that detail the competitive scene of the game and its developments since its debut; in addition, the series covers multiple retired and active professional Melee players, as well as their effects on the Melee metagame. Since the documentary came out, competitive Melee has steadily increased in popularity. The seven "Smash Brothers", in order on the poster from left to right are: Azen, Isai, Ken, PC Chris, KoreanDJ, Mew2King, and Mango. Other people who were interviewed in the documentary include: Wife, Chillin, Milktea, Chu Dat, Prog, Wes, and Armada, PPMD.
- Episode 1: Show Me Your Moves (Remastered)
- Episode 2: No Johns (Remastered)
- Episode 3: Don't Get Hit (Remastered)
- Episode 4: The King of Smash (Remastered)
- Episode 5: Revolution (Remastered)
- Episode 6: Paper Cuts (Remastered)
- Episode 7: The Robot (Remastered)
- Episode 8: The Natural (Remastered)
- Episode 9: Game! (Remastered)