
Joined July 9, 2012
Revision as of 20:56, January 23, 2015 by ChuckNorris24 (talk | contribs) (I should probably redo my userpage, but that requires a lot of time and energy.)
How are you gentlemen!! All your base are belong to us. You are on the way to destruction.
Armrotor.jpg This user has rollback powers and therefore has some control of t3h ph1re!
Character info
Brawl mains Meta Knight, Mr. Game & Watch
Other Brawl characters Sonic, R.O.B.
Personal and other info
Location Michigan United states
Miscellaneous info
Skill Other Average

My Stuff

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For a list of songs I would like in Elite Beat Agents 2, click here.

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My Video Game Collection

Name Console Genre Year Rating Series Publisher Notes Score Symbol
Wii Sports Wii Sports 2006 E Wii Sports Nintendo A decent game to start out with. 7.25 File:NintendoSymbol.png
Monster 4x4: World Circuit Wii Racing 2006 E Monster 4x4 Ubisoft So many people hate this game, but I kinda like it. 7 File:SpecialStagesSymbol.png
Super Smash Bros. Brawl Wii Fighting 2008 T Super Smash Bros. Nintendo I obviously love this game or I wouldn't be on this wiki. 10 File:SmashBrosSymbol.png
Sonic Unleashed Wii Platformer/Action-Adventure 2008 E10+ Sonic the Heghehog Sega It's OK, but it's not my favorite. 7.75 File:SonicSymbol.png
Sonic Riders: Zero Gravity Wii Racing 2008 E Sonic the Heghehog Sega I used to be a pro at this game, but now I suck. 7.75 File:SonicSymbol.png
Cars: Mater-National Championship Wii Racing/Adventure 2007 E Cars THQ It feels like they took the old Cars game and removed some of the fun out of it. 7 File:SpecialStagesSymbol.png
WALL-E Wii Platformer 2008 E WALL-E THQ The main game isn't that good, but the multiplayer is amazing. 7 File:SpecialStagesSymbol.png
Cars Wii Racing/Adventure 2006 E Cars THQ One of the better movie-based video games I've played. 8.25 File:SpecialStagesSymbol.png
LEGO Star Wars: The Complete Saga Wii Action-Adventure 2007 E10+ Star Wars LucasArts I used to play this game all the time, but not anymore. I still like it though. 8.50 File:SpecialStagesSymbol.png
New Super Mario Bros. Wii Wii Platformer 2009 E Super Mario Nintendo The multiplayer is a lot of fun unless you're playing with a cousin who always forgets to save. True story. 9.25 File:MarioSymbol.png
Wii Sports Resort Wii Sports 2009 E Wii Sports Nintendo A really fun game, but having to use Wii Motion Plus is a pain. 8.75 File:NintendoSymbol.png
Wii Fit Plus Wii Fitness 2009 E Wii Fit Nintendo Dear Wii Balance Board, "Just because I can't balance perfectly doesn't mean I'm morbidly obese!" Sincerely, A lot of people who play this game. 8 File:WiiFitSymbol.png
Cars: Race-O-Rama Wii Racing/Adventure 2009 E Cars THQ It's pretty fun, but it has some weird glitches and less than stellar graphics. But then again, all Cars games have those things. 7.50 File:SpecialStagesSymbol.png
Super Smash Bros. Melee GameCube Fighting 2001 T Super Smash Bros. Nintendo It has a nice retro feeling to it. I really love this game. 10 File:SmashBrosSymbol.png
Animal Crossing: City Folk Wii Life Simulation 2008 E Animal Crossing Nintendo It's good, but it can get boring after a while. 8.50 File:AnimalCrossingSymbol.png
Up Wii Action-Adventure 2009 E10+ Up THQ It's average. I haven't played it a lot though. 6.75 File:SpecialStagesSymbol.png
Mario Kart Wii Wii Racing 2008 E Super Mario Nintendo For some reason, it seems harder than most other Mario Kart games. It's still amazing though. 9 File:MarioSymbol.png
Cars 2 Wii Racing 2011 E10+ Cars Disney Interactive Studios It's pretty fun. The combat racing mode can get very hectic. 8.25 File:SpecialStagesSymbol.png
NASCAR The Game: 2011 Wii Racing 2011 E NASCAR Activision A fun game with crazy glitches and easy gameplay. 8.25 File:SpecialStagesSymbol.png
The Garfield Show: Threat of the Space Lasagna Wii Party 2010 E Garfield Zoo Basically unplayable. I regret opening this game when I could've returned it and gotten something different. 2.50 File:SpecialStagesSymbol.png
Cars Toon: Mater's Tall Tales Wii Party 2010 E Cars Disney Interactive Studios Mediocre minigames make up this mediocre game. 6.50 File:SpecialStagesSymbol.png
Kirby's Epic Yarn Wii Platformer 2010 E Kirby Nintendo This game is good, though a bit overrated. Don't get me wrong, though, I love it. 9 File:KirbySymbol.png
Super Mario Galaxy Wii Platformer 2007 E Super Mario Nintendo It's perfect. A must-have for every Wii owner. 10 File:MarioSymbol.png
Star Fox: Assault GameCube Third-Person Shooter/Rail Shooter/Action 2004 T Star Fox Nintendo Really fun, but rather short. 9.25 File:StarFoxSymbol.png
Kirby's Dream Collection: Special Edition Wii Platformer 2012 E10+ Kirby Nintendo Six amazing Kirby games with a bunch of special features, a great CD, and a nice little booklet. What more could you want for $40? 10 File:KirbySymbol.png
Metroid: Other M Wii Action-Adventure 2010 T Metroid Nintendo A great game, but the cutscenes are written as if it's some sort of soap opera. Plus they're long, unpausable, and unskippable. 9.50 File:MetroidSymbol.png
Epic Mickey 2: The Power of Two Wii Platformer 2012 E Mickey Mouse Disney Interactive Studios I haven't played the first one, so some of the stuff doesn't make sense. 7.75 File:SpecialStagesSymbol.png
Super Smash Bros. Nintendo 64 Fighting 1999 E Super Smash Bros. Nintendo Even if it's not perfect by today's standards, it's still a great game. 9.25 File:SmashBrosSymbol.png
Elite Beat Agents Nintendo DS Music 2006 E10+ Elite Beat Agents Nintendo This is the best video game in the history of ever. 10 File:NintendoSymbol.png
Mario Kart 7 Nintendo 3DS Racing 2011 E Super Mario Nintendo One of the best Mario Kart games ever made. And they finally made Lakitu playable. Yes! 9.50 File:MarioSymbol.png
Super Mario 3D Land Nintendo 3DS Platformer 2011 E Super Mario Nintendo It wasn't everything I expected, but it's still really fun. 9.25 File:MarioSymbol.png
Shrek 2 Game Boy Advance Platformer 2004 E Shrek Activision A surprisingly fun GBA game. 7.75 File:SpecialStagesSymbol.png
Hot Wheels: All Out Game Boy Advance Racing 2006 E Hot Wheels DSI Games There isn't much in this game at all. You can't even choose the level you want. 3.25 File:SpecialStagesSymbol.png
Mario Kart: Super Circuit Game Boy Advance Racing 2001 E Super Mario Nintendo I like this game, but not as much as other Mario Kart installments. 8.50 File:MarioSymbol.png
Disney's Chicken Little Game Boy Advance Platformer 2005 E Chicken Little Buena Vista Games Another surprisingly fun GBA game. 8 File:SpecialStagesSymbol.png
Hot Wheels: Stunt Track Challenge Game Boy Advance Racing 2004 E Hot Wheels THQ A somewhat decent GBA racing game. But it's a password game. Ugh. 7 File:SpecialStagesSymbol.png
Ford Racing 3 Game Boy Advance Racing 2004 E Ford Empire Interactive A less than stellar GBA racing game. And it's a password game. Ugh, again. 6.50 File:SpecialStagesSymbol.png
The Bible Game Game Boy Advance Action-Adventure/Trivia/Christian 2005 E The Bible Game Crave Entertainment Long loading times, poor gameplay, and it's a password game. Ugh. 6.50 File:SpecialStagesSymbol.png
The Simpsons: Road Rage Game Boy Advance Racing 2003 E The Simpsons THQ It just doesn't look like Springfield to me. And you guessed it, it's a password game. Ugh. 7.75 File:SpecialStagesSymbol.png
Mario Kart DS Nintendo DS Racing 2005 E Super Mario Nintendo My favorite game when I was little. I still like to play it every now and then. 8.75 File:MarioSymbol.png
New Super Mario Bros. Nintendo DS Platformer 2006 E Super Mario Nintendo A great reboot of the classic Mario platformer. 9 File:MarioSymbol.png
Super Scribblenauts Nintendo DS Action/Emergent/Puzzle 2010 E10+ Scribblenauts Warner Bros. Games I like the references to different memes this game has. However, I absolutely hate the music in this game. 8.75 File:SpecialStagesSymbol.png
Cars: Mater-National Championship Nintendo DS Racing 2007 E Cars THQ A fun racing game. I absolutely loved it when I was little. 8 File:SpecialStagesSymbol.png
MySims Nintendo DS Life Simulation 2007 E The Sims Electronic Arts It's just like Animal Crossing, but not quite as fun. 7.25 File:SpecialStagesSymbol.png
Cars Nintendo DS Party 2006 E Cars THQ I was disappointed when I found out it was all minigames. 7 File:SpecialStagesSymbol.png
Big Brain Academy Nintendo DS Puzzle/Educational 2005 E Big Brain Academy Nintendo It's a decent edutainment game. 7 File:NintendoSymbol.png
Cars: Race-O-Rama Nintendo DS Racing 2009 E Cars THQ A fun racing game, though I think I enjoyed Mater-National a bit more. 8 File:SpecialStagesSymbol.png
Top Gun Nintendo DS Flight Simulator/Action 2006 E10+ Top Gun Mastiff A really fun game. I can't beat it though. 8.50 File:SpecialStagesSymbol.png
SimCity DS Nintendo DS City-Building 2007 E SimCity Electronic Arts I was never really a fan of the SimCity series. As a result of this, I'm not really sure if this game is bad or if I just don't like it. 7.25 File:SpecialStagesSymbol.png
Golf NES Sports 1984 None Golf Nintendo It's like Wii Sports for the NES. 7 File:NintendoSymbol.png
2-in-1 Super Mario Bros./Duck Hunt NES Platformer/First-Person Shooter/Hunting Simulator 1988 None Super Mario/Duck Hunt Nintendo While both games are classics, they are both rather short and can get repetitve. 7.50 File:MarioSymbol.pngFile:DuckHuntSymbol.png
Adventures in the Magic Kingdom NES Action 1990 None Disney Capcom It took me forever to finally beat this game. Watch my hilariously bad LP right here! 7.50 File:SpecialStagesSymbol.png
Wii Music Wii Music 2008 E Wii Music Nintendo It's not as bad as people make it sound, but it really could have had some better music. 8 File:NintendoSymbol.png
Sonic Colors Wii Platformer 2010 E Sonic the Hedgehog Sega Wow. Fun Sonic games made recently really do exist. 9.50 File:SonicSymbol.png
The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks Nintendo DS Action-Adventure 2009 E10+ The Legend of Zelda Nintendo It was my first Zelda game. There may be many other games that are better, but I still like it. 8.75 File:ZeldaSymbol.png
Madden NFL 12 Wii Sports 2011 E NFL EA Sports I don't know, I haven't played it yet. ? File:SpecialStagesSymbol.png
Donkey Kong Country Returns Wii Platformer 2010 E Donkey Kong Nintendo While this game is pretty hard, you'll never want to stop playing it. 9.50 File:DKSymbol.png
Pokémon Black Version Nintendo DS RPG 2010 E Pokémon Nintendo I bought this game from my friend at school, and it had a shiny Mew, Mewtwo, Ho-oh, Entei, and Arceus on it! And it wasn't hacked! 9.50 File:PokemonSymbol.png
Pokémon Yellow Version: Special Pikachu Edition Game Boy RPG 1998 E Pokémon Nintendo This game is a classic, but I wish you could evolve Pikachu. Other than that, the game is great. 9 File:PokemonSymbol.png
Pokémon Silver Version Game Boy Color RPG 1999 E Pokémon Nintendo This game's internal battery was dead when I bought it, so I had to perform surgery on it so I could play it. ? File:PokemonSymbol.png
Super Mario Land Game Boy Platformer 1989 None Super Mario Nintendo A classic game that is still pretty fun. I wish it could save, though. 7.50 File:MarioSymbol.png
The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D Nintendo 3DS Action-Adventure 2011 E10+ The Legend of Zelda Nintendo One of the greatest games of all time, now even greater. 10 File:ZeldaSymbol.png
New Super Mario Bros. 2 Nintendo 3DS Platformer 2012 E Super Mario Nintendo 1,000,000 coins? Ain't nobody got time for that! 9 File:MarioSymbol.png
Link's Crossbow Training Wii Rail Shooter/Third-Person Shooter 2007 T The Legend of Zelda Nintendo Extremely fun, but ridiculously short. 8.75 File:ZeldaSymbol.png
Rhythm Heaven Nintendo DS Rhythm 2008 E Rhythm Heaven Nintendo I friggin' hate this game. The minigames are way too hard. I regret wasting $8 on this game. 4.25 File:NintendoSymbol.png
Sin & Punishment: Star Successor Wii Rail Shooter/Third-Person Shooter 2009 T Sin & Punishment Nintendo A truly underappreciated gem of a game. It's incredibly fun. 9.75 File:NintendoSymbol.png
Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem GameCube Survival Horror 2002 M Eternal Darkness Nintendo HOLY CRAP THIS GAME IS CREEPY 9.50 File:NintendoSymbol.png
Chibi-Robo!: Park Patrol Nintendo DS Action-Adventure/Simulation 2007 E Chibi-Robo! Nintendo Think of it as a Tower Defense/SimCity game, except way more fun. 9 File:NintendoSymbol.png
Metroid Prime Hunters: First Hunt Nintendo DS First-Person Action-Adventure 2004 RP Metroid Nintendo It's very fun, but it's only a demo. 6.75 File:MetroidSymbol.png
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles III: Radical Rescue Game Boy Platformer/Action 1993 None Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Konami I can't play this game without rage-quitting. 7 File:SpecialStagesSymbol.png
Tetris Game Boy Puzzle 1989 None Tetris Nintendo This is the most addicting game that I've ever played. 8 File:TetrisSymbol.png
Monster Trucks Game Boy Advance Racing 2004 E Monster Trucks Majesco This is hands-down the worst video game I've ever played. 0.50 File:SpecialStagesSymbol.png
Quad: Desert Fury Game Boy Advance Racing 2003 E Quad Majesco It's made by the same people that made Monster Trucks, so you know it's going to be crappy. 1 File:SpecialStagesSymbol.png
Spider-Man: Battle for New York Game Boy Advance Platformer/Action 2006 E10+ Spider-Man Activision It's decent, but it's nothing special. 6.75 File:SpecialStagesSymbol.png
Spyro 2: Season of Flame Game Boy Advance Action 2002 E Spyro Universal Interactive It's good, but I haven't played it a lot yet. 7.50 File:SpecialStagesSymbol.png
Tony Hawk's Downhill Jam Game Boy Advance Sports/Racing 2006 E Tony Hawk Activision It's good, but the game feels somewhat limited on the GBA. 7.25 File:SpecialStagesSymbol.png
The Sims 2 Game Boy Advance Simulation 2005 E10+ The Sims Electronic Arts It's good, but the PC version is obviously better. 7 File:SpecialStagesSymbol.png
X-Men: The Official Game Game Boy Advance Action 2006 E10+ X-Men Activision It's too dang hard!!! 6.50 File:SpecialStagesSymbol.png
Kill Switch Game Boy Advance Third-Person Shooter 2004 T Kill Switch Namco The controls are too screwy to be enjoyable. 7 File:SpecialStagesSymbol.png
Wade Hixton's Counter Punch Game Boy Advance Fighting 2004 T Wade Hixton DSI Games It's just like Punch-Out!!, except way harder. 7 File:SpecialStagesSymbol.png
Open Season Game Boy Advance Platformer/Action 2006 E Open Season Ubisoft This is a really fun game. Too bad it's anti-hunting though. 7.75 File:SpecialStagesSymbol.png
Disney's Kim Possible 2: Drakken's Demise Game Boy Advance Platformer 2004 E Kim Possible Disney Interactive Studios I haven't played it a lot, but so far this game is decent. 7 File:SpecialStagesSymbol.png
Need for Speed Carbon: Own the City Game Boy Advance Racing 2006 E Need for Speed Electronic Arts It's decent, but it does have pretty clunky controls. 7 File:SpecialStagesSymbol.png
Rayman Advance Game Boy Advance Platformer 2001 E Rayman Ubisoft A remake of the original Rayman, but it's easier and more fun. 8.50 File:SpecialStagesSymbol.png
The Sorcerer's Apprentice Nintendo DS Action 2010 E The Sorcerer's Apprentice Disney Interactive Studios It felt like a chore to play this game. It's incredibly monotonous. The only good thing about this game is that Nicolas Cage is on the cover. 7.50 File:SpecialStagesSymbol.png
Super Mario Advance Game Boy Advance Platformer 2001 E Super Mario Nintendo This game took Super Mario Bros. 2 and made it better. A LOT better. 8.75 File:MarioSymbol.png
F-Zero: GP Legend Game Boy Advance Racing 2003 E F-Zero Nintendo This is an incredibly fun racing game. The way they presented story mode is brilliant. 9 File:FZeroSymbol.png
Pokémon Y Nintendo 3DS RPG 2013 E Pokémon Nintendo This is a very good Pokémon game. It's just too short compared to the other games. 9.50 File:PokemonSymbol.png
Tony Hawk's Underground 2 GameCube Sports 2004 T Tony Hawk Activision The dang disc is too scratched to play! ? File:SpecialStagesSymbol.png
Master of Illusion Nintendo DS Puzzle 2006 E Master of Illusion Nintendo This game will mess with your mind. 8.50 File:NintendoSymbol.png
The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds Nintendo 3DS Action-Adventure 2013 E The Legend of Zelda Nintendo A lot better than what I was expecting. I like all the OoT/MM references in it. My only complaint is that it is somewhat short compare to other Zelda games. 9.75 File:ZeldaSymbol.png
Rayman Origins Wii Platformer 2011 E10+ Rayman Ubisoft This is the best 2D platformer I've ever played. It has a great art style too. 9.50 File:SpecialStagesSymbol.png
SpongeBob SquarePants: Plankton's Robotic Revenge Nintendo 3DS Action-Adventure/Platformer/Third-Person Shooter 2013 E10+ SpongeBob SquarePants Activision It isn't terrible, but it's really not that good either. 7 File:SpecialStagesSymbol.png
New Super Mario Bros. U + New Super Luigi U Wii U Platformer 2013 E Super Mario Nintendo NSMBU is the best 2D Mario platformer, and NSLU is much more challenging. 9.50 File:MarioSymbol.png
Chibi-Robo!: Photo Finder Nintendo 3DS Action-Adventure/Simulation 2013 E Chibi-Robo! Nintendo It's very nice, though I think I enjoyed the older Chibi-Robo! games a bit more. The photo finding mode ranges from very fun to "throw your 3DS at the wall" irritating. 9 File:NintendoSymbol.png
EarthBound SNES RPG 1994 T EarthBound Nintendo Some games make you laugh, some make you cry, and some astonish you with great gameplay. EarthBound does all of these. 10 File:EarthboundSymbol.png
The Legend of Zelda: Four Swords Anniversary Edition Nintendo DSi Action-Adventure 2011 E The Legend of Zelda Nintendo A very fun, but rather short Zelda game. But it's free, so what's not to love? 8.50 File:ZeldaSymbol.png
Golden Sun: Dark Dawn Nintendo DS RPG 2010 E10+ Golden Sun Nintendo A very fun and unique RPG that has a lot to offer. 9.50 File:GoldenSunSymbol.png
Steel Diver: Sub Wars Nintendo 3DS Action-Adventure/Third-Person Shooter 2014 E10+ Steel Diver Nintendo The free version is really fun, but I haven't paid for the full version yet. ? File:NintendoSymbol.png
The Wonderful 101 Wii U Action 2013 T The Wonderful 101 Nintendo This game is pure awesomeness. The gameplay and the humor are amazing. This game alone is enough of a reason to buy a Wii U. YOU MUST BUY THIS GAME NOW 10 File:NintendoSymbol.png
Sing Party Wii U Music 2012 E10+ Sing Party Nintendo The music selection is pretty good. However, it could have used more 90's music. I'm also irked by the lack of Phil Collins. 7.50 File:NintendoSymbol.png
Rusty's Real Deal Baseball Nintendo 3DS Sports 2014 E Rusty's Real Deal Baseball Nintendo The game has a unique charm. However, it is riddled with in-app purchases. It shouldn't have been free-to-play. ? File:NintendoSymbol.png
Sonic & SEGA All-Stars Racing Nintendo DS Racing 2010 E Sonic the Hedgehog/SEGA Sega My dad found this game in the woods, and by some miracle it still works fine. It's pretty fun, too. 8.75 File:SonicSymbol.png
Wario Land: Shake It! Wii Platformer 2008 E Wario Nintendo It's a very unique platformer that is quite challenging too. It also has wonderful graphics. 9.25 File:WarioSymbol.png
Jimmy Houston's Bass Tournament, U.S.A. SNES Fishing 1995 K-A Jimmy Houston Sammy I don't own a Super Nintendo, so I don't have any way of playing this game. ? File:SpecialStagesSymbol.png
NBA Jam SNES Sports 1994 None NBA Acclaim Entertainment As previously stated, I don't actually own a Super Nintendo. ? File:SpecialStagesSymbol.png
Kirby: Triple Deluxe Nintendo 3DS Platformer/Action 2014 E Kirby Nintendo Ah, such a wonderfully happy and cute game. It is a tad short, but the collectible keychains add a lot of replay value. I thoroughly enjoyed this game. 9.50 File:KirbySymbol.png
Mario Kart 8 Wii U Racing 2014 E Super Mario Nintendo This is without a doubt the best Mario Kart game ever made. The courses are absolutely pefect. The character roster is somewhat meh, but that's a small flaw in an otherwise outstanding game. 9.75 File:MarioSymbol.png
Trace Memory Nintendo DS Point-and-Click Adventure 2005 T Trace Memory Nintendo This game has a really great plot and was written very well. The puzzles are a little confusing sometimes, but that's not a very big deal. 9 File:NintendoSymbol.png
Big Brain Academy: Wii Degree Wii Puzzle/Educational 2007 E Big Brain Academy Nintendo Much better than its DS predecessor, but it really could have used some more minigames. 7.25 File:NintendoSymbol.png
Bully: Scholarship Edition Wii Action-Adventure 2008 T Bully Rockstar Games This game is outstanding. The story and gameplay are fun, interesting, and hilarious. The only major flaw this game has is that its graphics have aged pretty badly. 9.75 File:SpecialStagesSymbol.png
Paper Mario: Sticker Star Nintendo 3DS RPG 2012 E Super Mario Nintendo This game has great graphics and absolutely brilliant dialogue. However, it has a really crappy battle system and annoying, overpowered enemies. 8.75 File:MarioSymbol.png
LEGO Star Wars III: The Clone Wars Nintendo 3DS Action-Adventure/Platformer 2011 E10+ Star Wars LucasArts While it doesn't have the absolute charm of the original games, it's still really fun to play. 8.75 File:SpecialStagesSymbol.png
Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS Nintendo 3DS Fighting 2014 E10+ Super Smash Bros. Nintendo While certainly a great game, it felt like it was missing many things from the console games in the series. I honestly think it would've been better if they didn't make a handheld version of Smash, and instead focused all their time and resources on the Wii U version. 9.50 File:SmashBrosSymbol.png
Pokémon Alpha Sapphire Nintendo 3DS RPG 2014 E Pokémon Nintendo It may be a really good Pokémon game, but it takes a while to really get into the game. It was pretty boring at first. 9.50 File:PokemonSymbol.png
Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Wii U Fighting 2014 E10+ Super Smash Bros. Nintendo This game is so perfect in so many ways, I don't even know where to start. Almost everything about it is so great. 10 File:SmashBrosSymbol.png
Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker Wii U Puzzle/Platformer 2014 E Super Mario Nintendo This game is so well put-together and adorable in every way. It will certainly put a smile on your face. 9.50 File:MarioSymbol.png
Gunman Clive Nintendo 3DS Action/Platformer 2013 E10+ Gunman Clive Hörberg Productions While it's an overall enjoyable game at $2, it certainly has its fair share of flaws. It's also very short. 8.75 File:SpecialStagesSymbol.png

My Signatures









My Userboxes

  This user is a good guy.
  This user doesn't like being overshadowed by others.
  This user knows that frying pans, golf clubs, and tennis rackets make great weapons.
  This user is persistent.
  This user was addicted to ibuprofen for a while.
  This user would fly you to the moon and back (If you'll be, if you'll be my baby).
  This user dislikes bratty kids.
  This user likes certain types of fruit.
  This user enjoys gross humor.
  This user can expand dong.
  This user likes dry-roasted and honey-roasted peanuts.
  This user has gotten hit really hard in the balls.
  This user drinks a lot of milk.
  This user likes to watch cartoons.
  Sometimes this user has a different personality than usual.
  This user is a ninja.
  This user likes to imitate Captain Falcon. But then again, who doesn't?
  This user can crawl.
  This user has a crush on a girl named Alissa.
  One of this user's favorite movies is The Brave Little Toaster.
  This user is a master of disguise.
  This user lik- STOP! HAMMER TIME!
  This user can do a barrell roll.
  This user doesn't like it when people touch his bread.
  This user knows that playtime is over.
  This user is very shocking.
  This user knows a ton of music.
  This user has been hurt by electricity.
  This user is smart.
  This user is super effective.
  This user likes turtles.
  This user likes nice, green grass.
  This user likes campfires.
  What doesn't kill this user makes him stronger.
  This user has a very long tongue.
  This user loves to drive.
  This user loves pop culture.
  This user has crazy hair.
  This user likes the snow.
  This user wants to learn Japanese.
  This user misses Roy.
  You'll get no sympathy from this user.
  This user has no problem being himself.
  One of this user's favorite movies is Back to the Future.
  This user likes things that others might consider "old".
  This user is a christian.
  This user is not a stripper.
  This user likes things that are dark and spooky.
  This user wants to go to space.
  This user wants a Robotic Operating Buddy.
  This user can't jump very far.
  This user isn't a crazy psychopath. Or is he?
  This user should probably work out.
  This user is really feeling it!
  This user has a pet dog named Hummer.
  This user dislikes impatient people.
  This user isn't very stealthy.
  This user is a man of many talents.
  This user has a large appetite.
  This user is on Miiverse.
  This user owns a gun.
  This user owns a knife.