none you have done research clearly beta is not substitute word for early or unued. 11:09, 17 September 2014 (EDT)
- In the world of gaming, "beta" refers to the development phase where the software is feature complete. From what can be seen, all elements featured on this page presumably came from a beta of the game, and as such, the term "beta elements" makes sense: it refers to elements of gameplay that were featured in the beta of SSB
- Also, unless information is blatantly wrong (i.e. not debatable to any extent that it is wrong), no one is exempted from SW:1RV. Just a forewarning that I will rollback any future attempts at that from you.
Beta is the stage that happens near ready to be shipped. I don't know about you, but I don't think developers drop tons of shit from their games that close to release. Screenshots of games are taken and footage recorded usually way before the beta phase is even reached. Beta is not the correct term to use when referring to unused/pretelease content, no matter what some dickhead (not meant to be an attack on you) on the internet says., 11:26, 17 September 2014 (EDT)