The Random Word Service, shortened to RWS, is a popular and fun service run by ToastUltimatum that can be employed on SmashWiki and SmashWiki IRC, but with it comes a specific ruleset that must be followed.
If one wishes to start the Random Word Service, one must do the following.
- Type TOAST, completely in capital letters.
- ToastUltimatum will then respond with a random word, again, completely in capital letters (e.g. HYDRATION, CONCRETE)
- Upon receiving a random word, the user who started the RWS must then respond with the word "hi", completely in lowercase with no punctuation following it.
Role reversal
A role reversal is a rarity, but on occasion, ToastUltimatum may type another user's nickname in capital letters, most oftenly Captain Falcon. If he does this, the user in question must provide ToastUltimatum with a random word, after which he will type "hi".
Breaking any of these rules can result in a temporary block from the Random Word Service. Blocks may last 1-3 days, or 1-2 weeks.
- If a user types a word similar to TOAST, such as ROAST, BOAST, or GHOST, they will not receive a random word, and continuous usage of these words will result in a temporary ban.
- If another user starts the RWS, do not make a pointless post just for the sakes of interrupting the RWS. If a conversation is ongoing on IRC, it does not have to be halted for the RWS, but making posts such as "inb4" or "ROAST" are punishable offences.
- Do not stall the RWS. In this context, stalling means refusing to type "hi" for a long period of time after having received a random word. If one simply fails to notice that they have received a random word, they must clarify this.
- Do not capitalize "hi" or put punctation after it. If one does this, while being aware of this ruleset, they can be punished.
- If one breaks a rule of the RWS on IRC, and does not care about being temporarily banned from the Random Word Service, ReiDemon will kick you from IRC.
- Excessive usage of the RWS can result in a user not receiving any more random words that day. The hypothetical reasoning for this is that "they will not be able to drive home if they have too many random words".