Hello, I am a long time reader, first time poster, and tremendous fan of this website and all it stands for.
I recently wrote an as of yet unpublished article on Super Smash Brothers Melee and in the process of doing so, I found that I needed a lot of supplementary images to go along with the text. In the process of hunting down images, I visited here and took a few things, then rehosted them to ensure their longevity in case this site for whatever reason has troubles with service. Of course, in the process of doing so I noticed the copyright notices on the pictures, and I really don't want to offend anyone by reusing images from this site and them feeling as if they've been ripped off in some way and later hunting me down.
I believe that I am within my rights to reuse the pictures for this purpose as my article is educational and therefore the use of the images is legal as per fair use laws in the United States. Because of this, I am asking whatever powers that be here if my use of these images is okay before publishing the article.
Here is the article in question for you to review. It is very heavy on the use of Gifs and embedded youtube videos, so your browser may lag a bit on opening the page. I am sorry for this, this is not necessarily the exact state the article will be published in.
The images I have appropriated from this website are as follows:
Thanks for listening, I hope to hear from you soon. Suggestions on the article would be appreciated as well. -Evilagram (talk) 13:43, 14 May 2012 (EDT)