Avengingbandit | |
Character info | |
Brawl mains | Meta Knight, Wolf |
Other Brawl characters | Falco, Jigglypuff |
Miscellaneous info | |
Skill |
I am a smasher that has been playing SSBB for eight months now on a daily basis. Below you will find information about me.
About me
- I strongly disliked Olimar players and R.O.B. computers but because I no longer main Ike, I can deal with them now.
- I love tacos and McDonalds (yes I know McDonalds is bad for your health).
- I live in South Florida (so obviously, we don't get any snow here, which absolutely sucks)
- My ring finger is longer than my index finger.
- I am an excellent tourney bracket maker/drawer.
Who's online: Ender78, Alex the weeb, Cloudhead, Kiedan, Mooktendo, Mad4men
My current signature: Bandit
Matchups with other users
I have sorted this section to make it read best to worst. Those matchups do not include 3-4 player matches. This is subject to change. I've used my mathematical skills to convert the ratios of wins to total matches into matchups. For example: If a friend and I had 20 matches together and I won 15 of them, I would get , because I divide 15 by 20 to get 0.75 then multiply by 8 to get 6 which is thus 6/8. Again, this is subject to change as I fight more and more matches against them. I also put a summary about them, in both brawls, and what I think of them.
Pokémonultimate - Won 5 out of 5 matches. Not the best brawler, but he does show some skill. He'll have to train a lot before he can stand a chance with OT. I forgot his main though...
LightningBlue - Won 9 out of 10 matches. Like Pokèmonultimate, not the best brawler, but the matches were a lotta fun. I used a pattern in my characters when brawling him. I would use Wolf, then MK, then Jigglypuff, then Falco, go back to MK, and do the pattern over and over. Overall a fun brawler. A main of Marth, Luigi, and Fox.
Drakon64 - Won 6 out of 12 matches. A very good friend of mine and hates Ike >:( We hope to be super-brawlers one day XD. He mains Charizard (PT)
ToastUltimatum - Won 2 out of 5 matches. Like Drakon64 said in his RfA, he's an awesome user and has made major and many contributions. A main of Olimar, Toon Link and Squirtle.
..... - Won 1 out of 4 matches. Very respectful and nice user, and is hard to beat. A main of Meta Knight.
Smash Master - Won 1 out of 13 matches. Smash Master was one of those smashwikidians who was a little better than me, not 3-stocking me in almost every match like OT, but a little better, usually only 1 stocking me while at around 70% usually. I was his first opponent and he is good with his Kirby making use of edgeguarding like OT. Like dots, he is a respectful user, and is the newest user (in terms of joining the wiki) that I know of.
Dodo - Won 4 out of 43 matches. This guy is cool to hang out with, though like OT, not the nicest user. In brawls, he uses multiple combos with each of his mains, Marth and DK, which is a major factor in why I lose a lot with him. I'm not gonna go into the details.
Omega Tyrant - Won 1 out of 20 matches. This user is without a doubt, the hardest brawler I have ever fought. He makes heavy use of edgegaurding, and his Ganondorf, who is on the bottom of the tier list (proof that TIERS R 4 QUEERS), is deadly in OT's hands. A main of Wolf, King DDD, and Snake. Not the nicest user though...
Online tournaments
- New Years Smash 2011 - Date: 30 December, 2011. # of participants: 12. Tournament format: Divided round robin. Results: Placed 10th out of 12.
Offline tournaments
- SSBB Gorilla Games tournament - Date: 7 January, 2012. # of participants: 14. Tournament format: Double-elimination. Result: Did not win a single round.
Funny, entertaining videos
Ken vs. PC Chris videos (another reason why I prefer Melee)
<youtube>_fv2Z-ikYSg</youtube> <youtube>ErMGjihamko</youtube> <youtube>iMoK3fn5BKs</youtube> <youtube>SzY0IlbkRtQ</youtube> <youtube>9okPjKOMHVw</youtube> <youtube>mJKwKmaXkBo</youtube> <youtube>HXNjPn9D_qA</youtube> <youtube>h2XICtEe-Jo</youtube> <youtube>QOOGfYEwK70</youtube> I WILL UPLOAD MORE VIDEOS WHEN I FEEL LIKE IT!!