You visited my page? You actually care? wow. You win a cookie! Anyways, hi I am 14, and I’m a sophomore this year. I live in Girard, Ohio (United States). We actually don’t have internet at my current house. (So please excuse anything noob-y that I say) I use it at the library and my friend’s house. Any time I visit my dad in Oklahoma (usually during school breaks); I will be on the internet all day, every day; mostly on various smash sites, youtube, or “with anyone” basic brawl. (I’m a dark blue Yoshi that always ducks a lot at the beginning of a match, and seriously, how many of those are there? Not many. It’s a pretty safe bet that it’s me). Homestarrunner.com is cool. I’ve seen all the episodes except some of those “Cheat commandos” ones. Those are dumb. I am a Christian. And my church is awesome. We always have the best, most God-inspired speakers. Our worship is awesome as well. There is drums and electric guitars and this really fancy Synthesizer.Plus, They have Rock Band and Soul Caliber and NBA Live and NFL ’09 as well as Brawl. You’re also allowed to bring your own games too. There is this one kid who always brings Kingdom of Hearts. :-p. what? You think because I'm a Christian, I have to be a prissy goody-two shoes? Heck no! People like that drive me insane. I burn games out. Seriously. There’s only about 5 games that I own that I haven’t beaten or on the final boss. I’ve gotten my fair share of games 100% complete too. I only used cheats on one game for the PS1 (Jet Moto, which I later beat anyway).

My smash

I've been smashing for 5 years, and own both melee and brawl. (I’ll get SSB from Wii shop channel as soon as I get more Wii points. Does any one else think they should re-make it for the DS?). I’ve come to use Yoshi as my all-time main. In melee, 2nd and 3rd are Falco and Game & Watch. In Brawl, they are Ivysaur/Charizard, and Bowser. In both games, I have everything unlocked, and have beaten everything but all-star and a few of the multi-man brawl/melees with all characters; however, I have beaten everything with at least one character. It took 2 ½ years for me to unlock all melee things, but only 2 ½ weeks in brawl. (even Wolf). I have no brawl friends!! If you have space, please add me. I won’t be able to play you at all until summer break (or whenever I'm at my dad’s house). I’ll send you a picture or something when I can play you. My code is: FAIL! I don’t know it yet, but I will in December. (Same time the next Smashtasm should come out). Sorry


I really wanna hack my Wii. Ever seen “Reviving Brawl” or “SSBB hacks: super codes” on youtube; or even that moveset swapping video that’s here on the wiki? Have you ever run into a hacker on WIFI -with anyone? (I did; the hacker used Giga Bowser and Wario-Man and we played on the target stages and the black stage and the online practice stage and it was loads of fun because we just attacked Giga Bowser the whole time).Or, did you ever just want to make a decent stage builder stage, without all that annoying extra space around special bricks and that “remaining pieces” thing? It is all so awesome and sweet. And my little sister enjoys it too. USB gecko/Gecko OS and Homebrew channel. Brawl + would be really nice too, because Melee’s fighting style was way better.

Melee Stuff

  • beaten Giga Bowser twice with Yoshi (still don’t have his trophy for some reason)
  • record for Event match 3: Dino Wrangling is 3.17 seconds
  • can defeat any level 9 with all except Ness and sometimes Ice Climbers(no items, on Final D., 3 stock )
  • Got 756 KO’s in 15-miute melee with Falco

Brawl Stuff

  • can beat all levels of SSE on intense, except “The Lake” without continuing (giant Diddy always gets me)
  • SSE is 100% complete, but then again, whose isn’t?
  • Beat the last 2 Event matches on hard in less than 1 minute with Ivysaur (53.92, and 59.63 seconds)
  • Beat boss battles on normal with every character, and on intense with Toon Link
  • Record for Cruel Brawl is 9 KO’s (used Kirby)
  • can defeat any level 9 with all (sometimes not Mario).no items, on Final D., 3 stock
  • gotten all challenges...with two golden hammers left!
  • My 7-year-old sister(who mains with Pikachu) an I have beaten all of the co-op event matches on hard (except #5)

My favorite games

  • Kirby- anything except that retarded TV show
  • Sonic- Gamecube and older
  • Spyro-PS1 and GBA only. Anything newer than that has sort of lost its charm
  • Crash Bandicoot- the first, like, 7 games for the PS1. After that, all of his games are either way too easy or totally stupid (what ever happened to Tanya, Crash’s girlfriend???)
  • Paper Marios-I just plain love these. They are hard, but fun. Paper Mario: TTYD has lots of mind games, some of best boss battles I've ever played, and a great soundtrack
  • Mario Parties- who doesn’t like these?
  • Super Mario world-This is why I fight with blue Yoshi. It was his debut and best game. The special area is really good, and you gotta love the message in coins at the end of the last special level. I have one more thing to unlock (secret fortress in Valley of Bowser).
  • Looney Toons- (PS1) sheep raider is just awesome because Wile E. Coyote is awesome. Bugs and Taz: Time Busters in the best 2-player(co-op) game ever (some of you would say that it’s actually Halo, but I disagree)
  • Little Big Planet- no, I do not have a PS3. My church got one on oct. 28th. This is by far the strangest game I have ever played. But its also one of the most fun! It started out kind of gay, but after you personalize your sack person (or whatever it is) it is so much fun. I got to the Terrible Oni's Volcano(by grandmaster Sensei)and got temporarily stuck.

100% complete-ers

Maybe this is a little more than my “fair share”. After I 100% a game, I usually trade it for something in the same series.

  • Stuart Little 2 (PS1) - I could beat it in 30 mins. and 100% it in 2 hours
  • Spyro 3: Year of the Dragon (PS1) - actually 117%, and boy, was that super bonus world amazing. The snowboarding part was hard. This was the best Spyro game ever made.
  • Spyro 2: Season of Flame(GBA)- Sparx panic was a really crappy prize for beating it 100%
  • Spyro: A Hero’s Tail (GCN) - normal Red was way harder than his robotic form. What happened to Sheila the Kangaroo?
  • Kirby’s Dream Land 2 (Game Boy B&W) - the thingy in level (world) 7 was tricky. I beat dark matter 4 times. I think its second form is a little creepy.
  • Cubix: Racin’ Robots (Game Boy Color) - good game, bad bonuses. The keys were fairly easy to find, but coming in first after you got them wasn't
  • Super Mario 2 Advance (GBA) - oh yeah, all the Yoshi eggs and red coins. Wart is the easiest final boss ever. On the classic super Mario, my highest is P-23
  • New super Mario Bros. (DS)-this one took me awhile. You get the secret touch screen background when you find all the star coins. My high score for “Wanted!” is 439! Seriously! I have no life.
  • Sonic Heroes (GCN) - Metal Madness/Overlord was an insane boss battle not really hard, just insane. Team Chaotix’s special mission for the first level took me for freakin’ ever! (past 99.99.99 time)
  • PuzzleQuest: Challenge of the Warlords (DS) - its basically Bejeweled with powerups and bosses. I was a level 50 (the highest) warrior. My mount was a Dragon Spider. Conquered every city, completed every quest, and collected all the runes. Lord Bane was kinda hard, but I beat him on the 5th try. Dugog was no doubt the hardest for me... even though he was the first boss!
  • Strawberry Shortcake: summertime Adventure (GBA)-don’t judge me!!! That was a long time ago, and it really taught me basic game play skills when I was little
  • Secret Agent Barbie: The Case of the Royal Jewels- the code for the 100% game is TSSSS (or maybe it was STTTT) I actually still play this game sometimes
  • The Subspace Emissary (Wii)-last and least. Ur a noob if you cant beat this 100%

Something dumb

I wrote a story. it is not lame or retarded, just dumb and unimportant. I will post it to a blog. Its kinda long, so only read it if you want to waste 30 minutes of your life. The main plot doesn’t really kick off until part 6. (the first 4 are for setting and character introduction, 5 is a mini-plot advancer).I really tried to capture each character’s true personality. I know I distorted some stuff, but I was trying to be as factual as possible, while still keeping the story interesting.When I started the story, I had no intention on it being so long. It was just going to be a short, pointless story about Yoshi, Pikachu, and Kirby. The metal overlord idea came to me later, and I really ran with it; so sorry if the first few parts don’t line up with the rest of the story. This story will not make much sense unless you know a little Nintendo (and Sega) game terminology/history. I guess there is one point- all of Nintendo could totally own Megatron. (yes, I've seen both Transformers movies. They were awesome)