Riolu is a small, blue, dog-like Pokémon. It is the pre-evelution of Lucario, evolving if it is treated well and has its happiness raised during the day. Riolu's legs and torso are colored black. Its tail is blue and it has a yellow collar. There are rounded bumps on the backs of Riolu's forepaws, which form into the spikes on Lucario's forepaws. Riolu has a black "mask" and red eyes.
Like its evolution, Riolu is sensitive to Aura, but does not have the ability to control these powers.
Riolu appears in Super Smash Bros. Brawl as a trophy.
Trophy Description
An Emanation Pokémon. It constantly emits Aura energy. When it's frightened or sad, this energy grows stronger and informs its companions of its situation. It is known for it's very flexible yet surpassingly powerful body. Thanks to its strength, it can crest three mountains and cross two canyons in a single night. When it levels up, it evolves into Lucario.
- It says that Riolu evolves into Lucario by leveling up on the trophy, but it actually evolves when it's hapiness reaches a certain point during the day.