User talk:Defiant Elements/Archive 1

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With all due respect...

With all due respect, I have a bit of a problem with you coming in here, reading up on what can only be a minute part of this entire controversy, and then criticizing the way it has been handled based on your position as a bureaucrat. Our sysops work tirelessly, through badgering, abuse, and personal attack, to keep this a clean, informative, and fun community. This particular controversy was admittedly not worked out as best as it could have, but you seem to be trying to undermine their competency, dedication, and ability by presuming that their 'victims' were not at fault sufficient to justify their punishment. The fact of the matter is, their initial infractions were not sufficient. It was the accompanying responses to the initial punishments that were despicable and deserving of the bans. Please refrain from vocal critique until you know and understand the entire picture. Semicolon (talk) 13:59, 21 August 2008 (UTC)

A coupla things. Not to bandy semantics with you, but I wasn't based my critique on my position as a Bureaucrat, I was basing it on personal experience from the perspective of an outsider. On a related note, I purposefully made it clear that my post was made on the basis of what an "outsider" would see, and that context is vitally important to understanding my post; I'm well aware that I don't have the full picture; instead, I'm presenting the picture that an outsider would see. I don't doubt that many of the sysops are excellent, nor do I doubt they take a lot of abuse; heck, I've been threatened with a lawsuit for banning someone as a Sysop because the ban was supported by CheckUser. And it's not an attempt to undermine them either, though I can see with little difficulty why it might come off as such. As I said, I have no stake in the success of this community, but I felt obligated to post because I saw a problem that had not, as far as I could tell, been thoroughly addressed elsewhere in the hopes that some good might come of it. My post may come off as strident or rabble-rousing -- indeed, I expected people might think that -- but that was not my intention. However, I presumed nothing. Indeed, if you read my first post you'll see that I'm perfectly willing to entertain the notion that the bans themselves were justified, but the manner in which the sysops responded/handled themselves is at least as much, if not more of a problem than the bans. In truth, I don't expect anything to come of my post, but I made the effort because I thought that perhaps it would give people something to think about. Defiant Elements 18:13, 21 August 2008 (UTC)
In that case I would suppose we are in agreement. Semicolon (talk) 19:07, 21 August 2008 (UTC)
Agreement about...? – Defiant Elements 19:10, 21 August 2008 (UTC)
The the manner in which this fiasco was handled was unfortunate. However, I would like to make something clear. We here at SmashWiki do not need to be rescued. We do not need direct intervention from administrators and bureaucrats from other wikis. We do not need your patronization. Your perspective may have assisted, and that was, I believe what you in particular were trying to do. However, we have good sysops and a good community. This isn't an unprecedented event; if anything, it has been blown way out of proportion and an argument could have been made for you and the other users from foreign wikias 'butting into our business'. It is, in fact, the opinion of the majority of active sysops that the permabans should be removed. We will settle this dispute ourselves. The bottom line is that the site is still up, we still have active contributing users goaled toward the continued excellence of the wiki, and it sites continues to serve the community. In the end, that is the only thing that matters, and there's no argument for the contrary. Semicolon (talk) 19:19, 21 August 2008 (UTC)
Judging by what I've seen, and No, I have not read all of every contribution on this wiki, the sysops on this wiki are bad at being such. They don't seem to understand that, if a majority of users thinks that its unfair, than they're not doing their job right. Sysops are thinking "Mkay, that guy insulted me, so I'mma ban him for 2 weeks". Insulting somone consistantly for 2 weeks and taking every snide oppertunity present I could understand their ban for 2 weeks.. for a couple of mild insults, or perhaps just a decleration that they don't like the way that its run, you wouldn't get a one hour ban- never mind a 2 week one. The vandals are getting the same ban-time as people who are insulting others, which is just dumb. "However, we have good sysops and a good community." - and I quote; "lolurite". In short? Your sysops suck. Replace them. I'm gonna get a ban for stating this, but hey, I don't think I was planning on doing much anyway. Just came for the epicness, and stayed to try to point out the flaws. I quite like your "we dont need your help GTFO". Pretty funny.. :] -- 19:30, 21 August 2008 (UTC)
Thanks for proving my 'We don't need your help' line. You sir, possess a lack of propriety that is, as you say, epic. We could never use the help of someone who demeans the efforts of hardest workers. What you are discussing is poor behavior by a single sysop, and your generalization is doubtless an indication of your knowledge on the subject. Your comments are ignorant and they are offensive. You, sir, are what is known as a 'troll'. Trolls get what they deserve, generally. You clearly have no idea what went on, and I won't outline it for you, because you likely possess a mental faculty that could barely get you through the first characters in this response. Leave for good. Semicolon (talk) 19:36, 21 August 2008 (UTC)
ur dum —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talkcontribs)
wakaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. Lord of all tyria (talk) 19:40, 21 August 2008 (UTC)
Is this the community that you are boasting about? Who's dumber, the guy who has a clear command of english, or the guy who says 'ur dum' or 'wakaaa...etc.' Seriously, this is really why we don't need your help. You guys brought, and now you need to take them back. I'm starting to think you guys have made the problem worse by coming here and lecturing us and bringing all of your riff-raff along. In fact, I'm sure of it. Please leave. Semicolon (talk) 19:48, 21 August 2008 (UTC)
Riff-raff? I doubt with one contribution I have lessened the ability of this wiki to document Smash Bros. Apparantly you misused ipso facto somewhere by the way. Lord of all tyria (talk) 19:51, 21 August 2008 (UTC)
Not quite. 'Ipso facto' is latin to mean, literally, the deed itself from the ablative of the intensive pronoun ipse, ipsa, ipsum and factum, -i. Since the ablative infers a preposition, it could mean within [the deed]. Translated into colloquial English, it can be found to translate as 'therefore'. Literally, it would mean, in context, "Any comparison drawn is a fallacy and within itself invalid." So no, it's used correctly. Semicolon (talk) 20:00, 21 August 2008 (UTC)
riff-raffed your mom last night
edit conflict First of all, don't you think it's just a little hypocritical to generalize the GWiki community based on three people, none of whom are Sysops. Yes, yes, I know sarcasm fails on the internet and isn't particularly helpful either, but really, come on! They're just trying to be funny/amusing/etc., they all have a perfectly good grasp of the English language. Not to mention that I didn't "bring" them here, they came of their own accord when they saw what was goin' on. As to your penultimate point, again, I'll thank you not to generalize, and, as to your final point, I'll leave only when I'm convinced that trying to do some good is hopeless. Good day. – Defiant Elements 19:57, 21 August 2008 (UTC)
No, because they are a sample from which a logical inference may be based. An inference may be incorrect, but it does not disqualify my opinion, and for the record I have been presented with several examples of the behavior of your members. None have been positive. Their attempts at humor are, in fact, simple badgering which is not constructive and counter to the excellence we strive for here at SmashWiki. You are partly responsible for their arrival, and you appear to be the entity with the most authority so I am holding you responsible for their behavior, and find it incredibly ironic that they would mock our community while being so negative. If you feel like this is unfair, please explain. For my penultimate, I'm not talking about them. I'm talking about you and your friends from other wikis. You guys coming here and trying to change things when the original problem has been resolved. You're perpetuating a moot point. And for my final, I do hope that you realize that you're inflicting more harm than proposed good. Semicolon (talk) 20:11, 21 August 2008 (UTC)
Your response makes me lol. Yup, I'm a troll. A troll, may I add, with a better grip on the English language than you have. I've read through whats going on, I've heard accounts from both DE and SC. Through the single "Thanks for proving my 'we dont need your help' line" sentance, you've just proved that you fail. You're hardly the hardest of workers. I've looked through the block log, and ALL of the bans given have been pretty much crap. LolUrFunny. Y'know what, though? I'm not really a troll. I'm a cynic, and I find other peoples annoyance amusing, but I try to help in my asshat way. Either you can pay attention, and stop pretending that you're still in happy-go-lucky-happy-wiki-with-awesome-sysops-that-doesnt-fail-land, or you can continue being foolish, and pretend that everything is happy, and your sysops do understand what it is to be a sysop. "Ooh, you're arguing with me.. BLOCK BLOCK BLOCK!". Oh, and apologies DE and Loat, I went to eat dinner. EDIT: The English language comment was uncalled for. Sorry. --User:Warwick 20:03, 21 August 2008 (UTC)
I highly doubt your command is better. I am a linguistics and communication major with a minor in Latin. I wasn't talking about me in respect to working hard. I was speaking for our sysops. If you think they're crap, you're half right. And you are a troll, by your own admission. A troll, according to UrbanDictionary, is "One who purposely and deliberately (that purpose usually being self-amusement) starts an argument in a manner which attacks others on a forum without in any way listening to the arguments proposed by his or her peers. He will spark of such an argument via the use of ad hominem attacks (i.e. 'you're nothing but a fanboy' is a popular phrase) with no substance or relevance to back them up as well as straw man arguments, which he uses to simply avoid addressing the essence of the issue." That's you, ace. As far as the sysops are concerned, you are ignorant. You weren't around, you haven't seen everything, you've only heard the story from two people who weren't around for it either, and who, frankly, are poorly informed on the matter at hand. Meaning you have at best a third-hand account. Seriously, leave. You're not helping. You can help by leaving. So do it. Semicolon (talk) 20:16, 21 August 2008 (UTC)

I'm severely disappointed at the kind of reputation people like Warwick and Lordofalltyria give this wiki. As a semi-regular contributor to this site, I'm well aware of its problems, but I know that bickering isn't going to get any of us anywhere. What happened to this site lately, anyway? When I joined Smashwiki in April, it was a primarily civilized place, but in the last week and a half, crews have disbanded, sysops are banning for trivial reasons and the whole place has fallen into a cycle of "he said, she said" where nobody's opinions are respected and the whole site is falling to pieces. Can't we get back to the whole point of this wiki and stop arguing? Miles.oppenheimer (talk) 20:22, 21 August 2008 (UTC)

Two things happened. The kids came, and Randall exploded. The kids got on Randall's nerves and he started banning them for no good reason. When the bans expired, they came back and exhibited behavior that actually deserved banning. Randall banned them permanently. They shouldn't have been permanently banned, and that's why C-Hawk wants to remove the permabands and make them only a couple weeks. Then the foreigners came. They started carping about policies and speaking like they understand what happened and saying its the fault of all the sysops and criticizing and belittling the community. Presently, they are the problem. When they leave, we can resume with projects and making the wiki better. Semicolon (talk) 20:29, 21 August 2008 (UTC)