Lucas (SSBB)

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This article is about Lucas' appearance in Super Smash Bros. Brawl. For other uses, see Lucas.
Universe EarthBound
Appears in SSBB
Availability Starter

Lucas (リュカ, Ryuka) is a playable character in Super Smash Bros. Brawl. The first EarthBound newcomer since the original Super Smash Bros., Lucas is the main character of MOTHER 3, the sequel to EarthBound released only in Japan. Lucas' Special Moves are very similar to Ness's moves from the previous two Smash games; his physical attacks, however, are completely different.

Lucas uses Duster's Rope Snake from MOTHER 3 to perform a Tether Recovery. The Rope Snake is also a taunt, where Lucas looks at the snake and argues with it. Lucas also utilizes his Rope Snake for his grabs, giving him a ranged grab, much like Link or Samus. Much like Ness, all of his Special Moves, as well as his Final Smash, derive from in-game attacks that are instead learned by another character, Kumatora, not Lucas himself.

Pros and Cons


  • Powerful, high-priority aerials including two spikes
  • Variety of useful projectiles
  • Most attacks are fast
  • Can Absorb Energy projectiles, restoring health, and can reflect any projectile
  • Enemy hit by PK Freeze is frozen temporarily, making him/her vulnerable for a moment
  • Incredibly powerful Up-Smash, and fairly powerful Forward and Down Smashes
  • Small target
  • Tether Recovery available
  • Ranged grab
  • Side-B has long range and much knockback
  • PSI Magnet doubles as a healing and damage move
  • Can Zap-Jump
  • PK Thunder (Up-B) has long range and high knockback, great for ranged edge guarding.
  • Lucas's PK Thunder can go through multiple targets, making Lucas much harder to gimp while recovering than Ness.
  • Most potent use of B-Sticking with PK Fire and Psi Magnet, as well as added bonuses from easier Reverse Aerials.
  • Back Air is a powerful spike
  • Large second jump
  • Powerful throws
  • Capable of reflecting projectiles using Forward Smash


  • Slow Up and Down Smashes
  • Down Smash offers minimal protection from behind.
  • PK Thunder recovery can still be interrupted by some attacks
  • Tether recovery is somewhat shorter ranged. Also, unlike most other tether recoveries, Rope Snake can't be used as a midair attack.
  • Grab is laggy if it misses
  • Easy to knock around
  • Lucas's PK Thunder segments the damage, making it a less certain KO than Ness's.

Combos & Tactics

  • Combo: Shorthopped Down-Air, Up tilt, Up Air.
  • Combo: (At low damages) Down-Grab, Up Tilt.
  • Tactic: Lucas' PK Thunder can be very useful to edgeguard Pit's recovery. If Pit's Up B is interrupted, he wont be able to recover again.
  • Using PK Freeze makes your opponent vulnerable, so try racking up damage on your opponent while he/she is frozen.
  • Neutral Aerial is great for racking up damage while in air.
  • Most of Lucas' attacks are fast, so Lucas has multiple combo potential. Use it to your advantage.
  • Tactic: When PK Fire and a double jump is executed at the same time, Lucas gains a huge vertical boost. Afterwards, a PK Thunder may be used for horizontal recovery. This tactic takes a while to master, but once mastered, it will be valuable for recovery and to combat edgehoggers.

Standard Moves

Ground Attacks

  • Neutral Combo: 3 consecutive kicks.
  • Dash Attack: Lucas slides forward, shooting a PSI "hexagon" out of his hands, similar to Ness's dash, except it moves solidly, so people can't get in the gaps.
  • Up Tilt: Lucas does a flipkick with hexagonal PSI.
  • Down Tilt: Lucas crouches and kicks a leg first in front, then behind him.
  • Forward Tilt: Lucas quickly jabs forward with his hand and creates a shock of PSI.
  • Down Smash: Lucas points at the ground in front of him, creating a barrage of hexagonal PSI at his feet. Hits up to 3 times.
  • Up Smash: Lucas releases a burst of hexagonal PSI that erupts above his head. The energy remains there for a long duration, and it has very high knockback.
  • Forward Smash: Lucas swings his stick. Similar to Ness's Forward Smash, but faster and with less range.

Aerial Attacks

  • Neutral Air: Spins in a circle diagonally, like Ness, but with PSI hexagons around him, making it a multi-hit closer to Mewtwo's Neutral Aerial.
  • Up Air: Seems to teleport upwards a little and do a headbutt, similar to Ness's but with a PSI hexagon.
  • Forward Air: Lucas kicks his foot forward with hexagonal PSI. Has a sweet Spot like Ness's back Air, but not quite as strong.
  • Back Air: Lucas thrusts his feet behind him and hooks them downwards with a stream of small PSI hexagons. Knocks backwards, and the end of it is a powerful spike.
  • Down Air: Lucas thrusts his feet downwards and creates several quick-flashing PSI hexagons. Multiple-hit attack. The fourth hit of this can spike.

Grabs and Throws

  • Up Throw - Psychokinetically tosses opponent straight up.
  • Back Throw - Psycokinetically blasts opponent back.
  • Down Throw - Psychokinetically slams opponent down, and shoots him or her with hexagonal PSI attacks.
  • Forward Throw - Psychokinetically tosses opponent ahead.
  • Pummel - Headbutts them.

Special Moves


Role In the Subspace Emissary

In the Subspace Emissary, Lucas is seen walking alone in an abandoned zoo, until several Primid show up. Then, suddenly, the gigantic King P. Statue appears and chases after Lucas. Lucas runs from it, until he gets caught in a snag and is about to be crushed when Ness comes to his rescue. Ness blows up the King P. Statue with his PK Flash, which reveals Pokey Minch himself (based on his Mother 3 appearance). Ness and Lucas defeat him, but no sooner do they do so when Wario shows up and attemps to show Ness with his Trophy Gun. Ness dodges each time, so Wario eventually aims at Lucas and shoots. Ness pushes Lucas out of the way and turns into a Trophy. Scared, Lucas runs away as Wario cackles in the rain.

Later on, Lucas runs into the Pokémon Trainer as more Primid show up. After they are defeated, the Pokémon Trainer leaves, but Lucas decides to join him. Lucas and the Trainer encounter and defeat Wario in the desert wastelands outside of an abandoned temple. Along the way, the Pokémon Trainer catches Ivysaur and Charizard. After Charizard is caught, Galleom falls into the ruins, having been knocked down there by Marth, Meta Knight, and Ike. A battle ensues between Lucas, the Pokémon Trainer, and Galleom.

After the battle, Galleom grabs Lucas and the Pokémon Trainer, jumping high into the sky and out of the ruins. Galleom then attempts to detonate a Subspace Bomb as a last-ditch effort. Lucas, finally gaining his courage, uses PK Thunder to detach Galleom's arm, causing the two to plummet to the ground. Just before they hit the bottom, Meta Knight grabs the two and takes them to Marth and Ike.

Special Movements


Up: Trips and falls backwards.

Side: Rope Snake pops out, taps him on the shoulder, and seems to talk to Lucas while he shrugs.

Down: Puts two fingers to his head, creates hexagonal PK shocks from his fingers, and pulls them down in front of himself.

On-Screen Appearance

Rides in on Mr. Saturn's coffee table.

Victory Pose

  • He bends down on one knee and shoots hexagonal PK shocks from his fingers in the air in front of him.
  • He pulls forcefully on one of the Seven Needles (from Mother 3) before the large needle flies off-screen with a trail of sparkles while Lucas looks towards the screen.
  • With his back towards the screen, crouching, Lucas examines a large stick before turning his head around towards the screen, saying "Huh?".


  • Lucas was supposed to have replaced Ness in Melee, but Mother 3 was delayed.
  • One of Lucas' costumes is that of his twin brother, Claus.
  • Lucas relies on his PSI powers far more than Ness, using them for two smashes (up and down), all specials, all aerials, all throws, his dash attack, and forward and up tilts.
  • Lucas is one of the few characters are able to talk in the Subspace Emissary, by saying "PK Thunder!" when trying to free Pokemon Trainer, and himself by destroying Galleom's arm.

External Links

Lucas' page at Smash Bros. DOJO!!