User:Awesomelink234/Top 10 favorite games

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10. The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword (2011) (and Skyward Sword HD (2021)) My second Zelda game, and I loved it so much I've actually beaten it from start to finish five times, twice on Hero Mode. Despite complaints about the motion controls, I actually thought they worked pretty well. Got Skyward Sword HD and enjoyed it even more, what with the 60 FPS and new button controls which I think work even better. Still only my second-favorite Zelda game, though. Awesomelink234SkywardSword.jpg
9. Sonic Unleashed (2008) My former favorite game of all time, and I just loved the boosting mechanics as well as the explorable hub worlds. I even liked the top two complaints, the night stages and the medal system. For the night stages, I liked that it turns the familiar speed-based action into a beat-em-up. For the medal system, I liked that it encourages the player to explore any areas they may have missed previously. My only complaint is that this is necessary in the day stages as well, where you're supposed to be going straight ahead and not focusing on exploration. A little side note is that this was the last main-series Sonic game (Sonic and the Black Knight notwithstanding) to feature my personal favorite English voice actor for Sonic, Jason Griffith.
8. Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix (2007) This is moreso about the base KH2, but I put Final Mix instead because I barely played the vanilla KH2 meanwhile I have beaten Final Mix. Anyways, I've always liked Kingdom Hearts ever since my brother introduced me to it when I was around 6 or so, but never touched it that much until Sora got into Smash, after which I bought the 1.5+2.5 HD collection for the PS4 (I already had 2.8 and KH3, so I'm complete in that regard). Of the ones I've played so far (everything from the original up to Dream Drop Distance), KH2 is easily my favorite. Fast-paced action-based gameplay and combat, amazing Disney worlds, great villains (I'm a sucker for Organization XIII), great soundtrack, you name it. This game is simply amazing. Got the Platinum Trophy on this one.
7. Super Mario Galaxy (2007) Absolutely loved the physics in this game, getting all Power Stars, and also the music, ESPECIALLY Gusty Garden Galaxy. Easily my favorite Mario game. Awesomelink234SuperMarioGalaxy.jpg
6. Kirby and the Forgotten Land (2022) Kirby's first full step into 3D (yeah, I know there some Kirby games had full 3D movement before this, but that was either in spinoffs or not for the whole game), and it was done VERY well. Very great story, great gameplay, great levels. Easily dethrones Return to Dream Land as my favorite Kirby game. Was absolutely worth the wait. Update: Was itself dethroned by Return to Dream Land Deluxe
5. Persona 5 Royal (2019) Never really knew about this series before Joker got into Smash, and I'm glad he did, because I enjoy this game a lot. There's so much things to do, and the story is great and has definitely gained my interest. Eventually beat the regular Persona 5. Unfortunately, I forgot Royal was coming out and ended up getting the regular version the week before it came out. Eventually did get Royal for Christmas that year. Also platinumed this one as well, and got almost all the Thieves' Den awards except the New Game+ exclusive ones. Awesomelink234Persona5Royal.jpg
4. Kirby's Return to Dream Land Deluxe (2023) A remake of my former favorite Kirby game, and one I was hoping they'd do for a while. Absolutely as amazing as the original plus I loved all the new stuff they added. This is now my favorite Kirby game. I've yet to play the Magoland games with anyone irl, but I imagine I'd love it. This game truly is a great entry point for new fans and a great experience for old-time fans of the series alike.
3. The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild (2017) This game was fun, loved the exploration aspect and combat. As much as I dislike the durability system, it forces you to hold on to your weapons, something no other main series Zelda does. Beat it and currently am in the process of 100% completing it, with 90 Shrines done so far. Awesomelink234BotW.jpg
2. Minecraft (2009) Well, what can I say? Honestly (and this is just my opinion), if you don't have Minecraft in your list of top 10 games, you haven't experienced modern gaming to its fullest. Minecraft's endless possibilities for creativity and exploration make it a truly unique experience that can be enjoyed by players of all ages and skill levels. Whether you're building an elaborate castle, exploring mysterious caves, or surviving against hordes of monsters, Minecraft truly offers an experience like no other. Awesomelink234Minecraft.png
1. Super Smash Bros. Ultimate (2018) What can I say? This game is great. All characters and almost all stages return, allowing for character matchups never before possible. World of Light was amazing, and the idea of themed battles was very well executed. Definitely my favorite game of all time. Super Smash Bros Ultimate Box Art.png

Honorable mentions:Edit

These games were previously on the list, but have been either removed or knocked out when I add a new game: