User:P.i./Brawl Online Guide

Revision as of 07:33, January 30, 2022 by P.i. (talk | contribs) (Reorg)

This guide explains how to play Super Smash Bros. Brawl online, either on a personal computer using Dolphin, or on a Wii or Wii U using Wiimmfi.

Dolphin netplay guide (PC)

First, make sure all players have the current netplay build.

Note: Both players must use the exact same Dolphin version (cross-platform is fine).

You must also have a Brawl ISO. You can back up your own copy legally. Do not ask where to download ISOs.

Many options in Dolphin must be specified exactly in order for netplay to work and to minimize desyncs. The Netplay Dolphin links above should mostly be preconfigured, but you might have to double check some settings.

Netplay settings (no screenshot)

Minimum buffer must be set to approximately ping (in ms) / 8. Common values range from 4 (extremely good) to 20 (transatlantic lag). If the game isn't hitting 60 fps, try raising the buffer.

Spectating can be done by having a third person join the game, and clicking "Assign Controller Ports" to remove the spectator's port (this will prevent the spectator from causing lag for the other players). Spectators should not host.

Recording replays can be done by checking the "Record input" box. These files can only be played back in Dolphin, but they are very small and recording them has no performance impact.

Wiimmfi guide (Wii/Wii U)

In order to play Brawl and other Wii games online, go into the Wii internet settings and put as the DNS address.

Playing between Dolphin and Wiimmfi (optional)

Dolphin is not allowed on Wiimmfi without dumping the NAND data from a real Wii or Wii U.

Once you have dumped the NAND:

  1. Download the Auto Wiimmfi Patcher and extract it
  2. Make a complete copy of the Dolphin directory and rename it "Dolphin-Wiimmfi" or such
  3. Start Dolphin-Wiimmfi
  4. Right click the Brawl ISO, go to Properties, and turn off the "Global Brawl Netplay Settings" and the "Disable Challenger Approaches" codes
  5. Right click the Brawl ISO in Dolphin and select "Set as default ISO"
  6. Go into the Dolphin config and add a path to the Wiimmfi Patcher directory (which should contain a file "boot.dol")
  7. Start boot.dol to play. Once Brawl starts, go to Nintendo WFC on the main menu.

Connection issues

If you try hosting a game and other people can't connect (on Dolphin or Wiimmfi), you may need to turn on port forwarding or DMZ on your router.

If you can't join a game in Dolphin, you may be using a different version from the host.

If you get a connection error on Wiimmfi, check the meaning of the error code here.

If you have bad lag, check your internet connection with a ping test. Try testing with different servers.

If your game desyncs (you and the other player see different things happening in the game), it might be caused by mismatched mods or codes (on Wiimmfi or Dolphin), or by mismatched settings in Dolphin. Sometimes desyncs just happen, even when everything is configured correctly, too. Some mods are "wi-fi safe" and don't cause desyncs.

Minimizing lag

Wi-Fi lag is an ever-present enemy of online games. To minimize it as much as possible:

  • Use a wired connection instead of wireless. For Wii or Wii U, get a compatible ethernet adapter.
  • For Wiimmfi, use the lag reduction Gecko code (below). This requires an SD card.
  • If you share a connection with other people or devices, get a high-quality router (TBD) and configure Quality of Service (QoS).
  • Check if your modem is bad.
  • Offline lag minimization techniques also apply.
Controller Input Lag Fix [Magus]
C202AD8C 00000002
7C630214 3863FBFC
60000000 00000000

See also