Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

Flare / Megaflare / Gigaflare


Sephiroth using Flare, Megaflare, and Gigaflare in Ultimate.
User Sephiroth
Universe Final Fantasy

Flare (フレア, Flare) is Sephiroth's neutral special move. In a similar manner to Thunder and Frizz, it can be charged up to Megaflare (メガフレア, Megaflare) and then Gigaflare (ギガフレア, Gigaflare) before being released.


Flare is a simple protectile, a red fireball that travels horizontally and explodes upon hitting an opponent, the stage, or another projectile. Charging the move for a short time causes it to become Megaflare, which turns blue and deals more damage, but does not travel as far. Charging even further causes the move to become Gigaflare, a larger and even more powerful attack, though significantly shorter-ranged. The move can be cancelled during the Flare and Megaflare stages with the shield button, but this simply stops the move; the charge cannot be stored for later. When releasing Megaflare, Sephiroth may say 行け ("Go."), and when releasing Gigaflare, he may say 焼き尽くす ("Burn to nothing.")

Instructional Quotes

  Move List   Hold the button down to charge; release to launch a fireball. Charging longer reduces the range but increases the explosion size.


File:FFVII Flare.png
Flare in Final Fantasy VII.

Flare first appeared in Final Fantasy, originally localised under the name NUKE where it was a high level Black Magic spell. Despite its name and appearance, it is often listed as a non-elemental spell. Curiously, in both Final Fantasy VII and Super Smash Bros. Ultimate it is changed to a fire-elemental spell. Safer∙Sephiroth uses Flare in the original Japanese version of Final Fantasy VII - this was changed to the similar move Shadow Flare in the English version.

Megaflare first appeared in Final Fantasy III as an attack used by Bahamut and has since come to be known as the dragon's signature attack in every game it appears in, often shown as a massive explosion or destructive beam of energy fired from its mouth.

Gigaflare first appeared in Final Fantasy V as Twintania's most powerful attack. It would later appear in Final Fantasy VII as Neo Bahamut's attack and like Megaflare, would come to be closely associated with more powerful strains of Bahamut though other monsters like the Archeodemon would have access to it in their repertoire.


Names in other languages

Language Name
  Japanese フレア / メガフレア / ギガフレア, Flare / Megaflare / Gigaflare
  English Flare / Megaflare / Gigaflare
  French Fission / Méga-Fission / Giga-Fission
  German Flare / Mega-Flare / Giga-Flare
  Spanish (PAL) Fulgor / Megafulgor / Gigafulgor
  Spanish (NTSC) Fulgor / Ultrafulgor / Gigafulgor
  Italian Fusione / Megafusione / Gigafusione
  Chinese (Simplified) 火光 / 百万火光 / 十亿火光
  Chinese (Traditional) 火光 / 百萬火光 / 十億火光
  Korean 플레어 / 메가플레어 / 기가플레어, Flare / Megaflare / Gigaflare
  Dutch Flare / Megaflare / Gigaflare
  Russian Вспышка / Мегавспышка / Гигавспышка
