Is this necessary yet?

We don't know anything about the ARMS fighter except that they're going to be in the game eventually. This whole page is just placeholder info, which isn't of much use as a draft. Can't the page just be created in the mainspace once we know who it actually is? ~ Serena Strawberry (talk) 20:04, May 14, 2020 (EDT)

I'm pretty sure that Me and Son Daniel are probably saving the placeholder before the reveal of the ARMS fighter. We could contribute on the day of the reveal tho. S3AHAWK   (talk) 20:54, May 14, 2020 (EDT)
Having this draft can be beneficial for when the character is actually revealed. This way all we simply have to do is replace [ARMS character name] with the name of the actual character and mainspace it, rather than writing it all from scratch. It will be much faster this way.   OmegαToαd64the Best Kαrter 20:59, May 14, 2020 (EDT)
Not Serena Strawberry, but I agree. S3AHAWK   (talk) 21:07, May 14, 2020 (EDT)
Mmh, but I don't really see the need when it can just be copied over from another page and written in a matter of half an hour or so. It's not purposeless or anything, just not super necessary in my eyes. ~ Serena Strawberry (talk) 21:10, May 14, 2020 (EDT)

voice clips?

Are we sure that Min Min's voice clips are new or if they are recycled from ARMS? Pratikmii03 (talk) 18:13, June 22, 2020 (EDT)

We are unsure, and that's why I hid a notice saying not to add anything yet. Aidan, the Rurouni 19:29, June 22, 2020 (EDT)
I can't 100% confirm this but no new clips stood out to me, and I main Min Min. She has 2 whole minutes of voice lines already, it might be enough to not need any new lines. --Meester Tweester (talk) 05:05, June 23, 2020 (EDT)

Right Arm Nair damage values?

I think we need these listed? 17:24, July 2, 2020 (EDT)