Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

Terry (SSBU)/Hitboxes

ImageNeeded.png This article is in need of additional images.
The editor who added this tag suggests: Missing some of his moveset
If you have a good image for this article, upload it here.
LowQuality.png This image is of low quality, and should be replaced.
The reason given by the editor who added this tag is: The images for his special moves, super special moves, throws, and dodge attack can be updated so they are all the same width and height
If you have an appropriate replacement for this image, upload it here.
Move Name Hitbox
Neutral attack 1 TerryJab1.gif
Neutral attack 2 TerryJab2.gif
Neutral attack 3 TerryJab3.gif
Forward tilt TerryFTilt.gif
Up tilt TerryUTilt.gif
Down tilt TerryDTilt.gif
Dash attack TerryDashAttack.gif
Forward smash TerryFSmash.gif
Up smash TerryUSmash.gif
Down smash TerryDSmash.gif
Neutral aerial TerryNAir.gif
Forward aerial TerryFAir.gif
Back aerial TerryBAir.gif
Up aerial TerryUAir.gif
Down aerial TerryDAir.gif
Neutral special grounded tapped Power Wave TerryNSpecialGroundedTapped.gif
Neutral special grounded held Power Wave TerryNSpecialGroundedHeld.gif
Neutral special aerial tapped Power Wave TerryNSpecialAerialTapped.gif
Neutral special aerial held Power Wave TerryNSpecialAerialHeld.gif
Side special forward grounded tapped Burning Knuckle/Crack Shoot TerrySSpecialGroundedTapped.gif
Side special forward grounded held Burning Knuckle/Crack Shoot TerrySSpecialGroundedHeld.gif
Side special forward input grounded tapped Burning Knuckle/Crack Shoot TerrySSpecialInputGroundedTapped.gif
Side special forward input grounded held Burning Knuckle/Crack Shoot TerrySSpecialInputGroundedHeld.gif
Side special forward aerial tapped Burning Knuckle/Crack Shoot TerrySSpecialAerialTapped.gif
Side special forward aerial held Burning Knuckle/Crack Shoot TerrySSpecialAerialHeld.gif
Side special forward input aerial tapped Burning Knuckle/Crack Shoot TerrySSpecialInputAerialTapped.gif
Side special forward input aerial held Burning Knuckle/Crack Shoot TerrySSpecialInputAerialHeld.gif
Side special backward tapped Burning Knuckle/Crack Shoot TerryBSpecialTapped.gif
Side special backward held Burning Knuckle/Crack Shoot TerryBSpecialHeld.gif
Up special Rising Tackle TerryUSpecial.gif
Up special input Rising Tackle TerryUSpecialInput.gif
Down special rising weak Power Dunk TerryDSpecialUpWeak.gif
Down special rising input weak Power Dunk TerryDSpecialUpWeakInput.gif
Down special rising strong Power Dunk TerryDSpecialUpStrong.gif
Down special rising input strong Power Dunk TerryDSpecialUpStrongInput.gif
Down special falling weak Power Dunk TerryDSpecialDownWeak.gif
Down special rising falling strong Power Dunk TerryDSpecialDownStrong.gif
Down special rising falling spike Power Dunk TerryDSpecialDownSpike.gif
Super Special Move 1 Power Geyser TerryPowerGeyser.gif
Super Special Move 2 start Buster Wolf TerryBusterWolf.gif
Super Special Move 2 throw Buster Wolf TerryBusterWolfSuccess.gif
Standing grab TerryGrab.gif
Dash grab TerryDashGrab.gif
Pivot grab TerryPivotGrab.gif
Pummel TerryPummel.gif
Forward throw TerryFThrow.gif
Back throw TerryBThrow.gif
Up throw TerryUThrow.gif
Down throw TerryDThrow.gif
Getup attack front (unavailable)
Getup attack back (unavailable)
Getup attack trip (unavailable)
Ledge attack (unavailable)
Dodge attack TerryDodgeAttack.gif