Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

Infinite Assist Trophy glitch

Revision as of 00:55, January 30, 2019 by (talk) (due to this glitch being patched in 2.0.0, i fixed it)

The infinite Assist Trophy glitch was a glitch in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate that causes Isabelle to repeatedly summon Assist Trophies, with no control over this action until she gets hit.

In order to perform the old glitch, two players must have been playing as Isabelle and must use Fishing Rod at the same time to grab on to an Assist Trophy. If the glitch was performed correctly (when one Isabelle will reel in the Assist Trophy while the other's line is still hooked onto it), the player that grabbed a hold of the Assist Trophy will continuously summon that Assist Trophy until they get hit, pushed into a blast zone, or KO'd in some other way. If one player is significantly farther or closer to the Assist Trophy than the other player, the glitch will not work.

The glitch also worked with a handful of other items: for example, Warp Stars will cause the player who picked it up to be stuck grabbing on to it, and no attacks will damage them, while Hammers or Golden Hammers will function as normal but will deal no damage, and the player will not be KO'd by the bottom blast line. The only way to get rid of this glitch is by ending the match, or resetting positions if the glitch is done in Training Mode.

Few other Assist Trophies would not be spawned more than one amount, such as Squid Sisters.

However, this glitch has been patched in version 2.0.0

