
Joined August 16, 2016
Revision as of 19:19, January 27, 2019 by KoreanPJs (talk | contribs)
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Just using this as a place to keep track of the player pages I want to keep updated.


aMSa - last updated 12/2/18

Da-yoshi - last updated 11/18/18

Gucci - last updated 5/2/18

Kalne - last updated 9/29/18

K.F - last updated 12/24/17

Korius - last updated 8/9/17

Kounotori - last updated 1/13/19

Loki - last updated 10/7/17

Nanashi - last updated 11/18/18

Nasu - last updated 2/12/18

Plata - last updated 12/2/18

Pao - last updated 3/3/18

Rudolph - last updated 11/18/18

Sanne - last updated 1/8/19

Sheik - last updated 12/2/18

Shippu - last updated 1/8/19

So-ten - last updated 1/13/18

s-royal - last updated 11/18/18

Tapioka - last updated 11/18/18

Yoroz - last updated 2/12/18


Zoma - last updated 11/18/18

someone also made pages for kkp, Watch, TanzaKnight and Kiri that still need to be updated

found the Sumabato DX Melee results - to check/update:Korius,Nasu,s-royal,kalne

The Sumabato DX Melee site has gone down as of April 2017.


To be updated- Abadango, Flash, Kei, Thunders

Check for results to update- Shu(might be different player), Shunsuke



Notable current without a page- Nagaimo, bitou, Massun, Falpan / Notable legacy without a page- Sobameshi, dano, shuta, Sahara, Hino

Other- Ayataka, Luka, bozitoma, NEG, Kazya, tohyo, WTS, Zer0, https://twitter.com/hutukamimann , etc. etc. etc.

Australian Melee Results

Links: http://couchwarriors.org/wp/battle-arena-melbourne-results-archive/ https://smashboards.com/threads/mel-robocop-congratulations-to-m2k-hall-cao-tedeth-and-many-more.261320/ https://smash.gg/tournament/di-another-day-2-a-western-australian-major/brackets/13251/70410/224901 http://sydneysmash.challonge.com/tandsmeleetop32 http://www.ssbwiki.com/Category:Australian_tournaments



Main: Marth

Location: NY

Real Name: Andrew Berger

Known Results: https://smashboards.com/rankings/vino.184245/user?id=2, Formerly PRd in New York

Other: light skin, curly hair, glasses



Main: Marth

Location: Easton, PA

Real Name: Kevin Ramirez

Known Results: 2nd at SmashQuest 2

Other: http://Youtube.com/ILikeToMoveIt60 , no glasses


Vino (more commonly known as Vinodh)

Main: Jigglypuff

Location: WA

Real Name: Unknown

Known Results: 13th @ PAX Prime 2015, Currently 4th on Washington PR, the liquipedia article has some more of this Vino's results mixed in with the others

Other: dark skin, glasses