Hey, hey, wait a minuteEdit

If all you're doing is making minor edits and undoing them to gain autoconfirmation, then you're just clogging up the wiki and making it worse for everyone else. If you actually want to help out the wiki, please consider making actual, constructive edits first. Aidan, the Rurouni 14:01, September 25, 2019 (EDT)

Are you doing it again here too? Please don't do this, it's not a valid way to get autoconfirmation, it just clogs up the recent changes list. SupαToαd64, the Best   09:02, October 1, 2019 (EDT)


Sorry this auto confirmation thing is just a little annoying. Won't happen again. CR4VE (talk) 14:07, September 25, 2019 (EDT)

It's how we make sure people actually want to stay with the wiki, and won't do anything to harm it. Aidan, the Rurouni 14:29, September 25, 2019 (EDT)


I am already auto confirmed I was using zackray page as a guideline for YMCAs page. I accidentally screwed it up and then I fixed it CR4VE (talk) 09:25, October 1, 2019 (EDT)

Don't worry about it, that was my error. I'll admit I've also done this several times before. SupαToαd64, the Best   09:44, October 1, 2019 (EDT)

YMCA's resultsEdit


According to this edit, you have put down Smashdata.gg links in YMCA's tournament results section. But since Smashdata.gg doesn't provide any brackets. You should use Smash.gg's bracket links for the tournaments you have linked.   Naughty🐽GRAND DAD 自閉肥宅   07:41, October 5, 2019 (EDT)