Snake SSBB.jpg
Character info
Brawl mains Ike, Snake
Miscellaneous info
Skill Other Noob


A simple way to contact me is https://gamesurge.net/ in the sw (smash wiki) irc channel

Things About Me

I am a not so good smasher,But i take interest in the game and think it needs a bigger community. I also have a step brother (user:bandit) who's a pretty good smasher,He is a semi-pro i believe

My favorite youtubers

My top 10 favorite youtubers are CondenserCoil,321 Airsoft,Conversin' Person,TheCreatures(all of them),MinnesotaBurns,- XerainGaming,Zuthar13,paulsoaresjr,GhostRobo,Tobuscus.

by mainchow10