This is just an expansion of the Toomai's moveset project. He's converting the movesets of characters to tables. Since I'm helping him out, I've decided to post the data I have so far. If you want to help out, see the project's talk page. Feel free to make any non-data changes below. In between going after the data for specific characters, I'll do some moves which are of particular interest to me or others who'd just like to know how the move works. Currently, I'm on the 5th character (including Toomai's set): Donkey Kong.

Here is my moveset table data so far:

ºb = going towards character instead of away

Current Characters I'm afterEdit

Big, Strong, and Furry

Input Move Description Damage Power (0%) Power per % Angle
Neutral A Combo Uppercut DK throws a Jab, then a weak uppercut. Punch 4% 639 14.12 45º (45º b if close to DK)
Uppercut 6% 1987 18.904 70º
F-Tilt Mid-Level Arm Sweep Sweeps across using his arm. Can be tilted. 10% 1200 28.47 40º
U-Tilt Overhead Arm Sweep Sweeps over his head in an arc. Hand 9% 2156 27.38 80º b if in front of DK; 80º if behind
Lower Arm/Elbow 10% 2255 31.317
Upper Arm 11% 2365 35.49
D-Tilt Low Sweep A crouching ground sweep using his arm. Trips easily. 8% 945 18.95 40º
Dash Slide Kick A sliding kick. (As unique as The Man's, eh?) Clean 11% 3408 6.173 45º
Late 9% 1679 0 90º
U-Smash Overhead Clap DK faces the screen, then claps over his head forcefully. Uncharged 18% 2664 44.27 90º
Charged 25% 3422 60.283
D-Smash Ground Slam Slams both of his fists on his sides. Fists (in front, though far off, and behind of DK) Uncharged 17% 2514 45.21 65ºb
Charged 23% 3243 61.473
Elbows (close to front of DK) Uncharged 14% 1876 24.94 95ºb
Charged 19% 2765 51.43
F-Smash Sideways Clap Slams his hands together in front of him. Hands Uncharged 20% 2545 49.243 45º
Charged 28% 3487 67.224
Elbows Uncharged 21% 2646 49.315
Charged 29% 3663 69.372
N-Air Spinning Attack Spins in midair. Clean 11% 1580 40.86 45º
Late 8% 1100 23.69
F-Air Meteor Fist Swings his fists downwards. Miss 16º 971 21.41 60º
Meteor 1035 18.196 -90º
B-Air Spin Kick Kicks backwards quickly while spinning. Clean 13% 1710 35.643 45º
Late 8% 1100 23.69 60º
U-Air Aerial Headbutt Pulls his head back, and headbutts upwards. 14% 2055 34.233 90º
D-Air Downwards Leg Thrust Pulls his leg up, and thrusts it downwards. Leg 16% 1196 19.27 -90º
Rest 13% 801 16.04
Pummel Face Slap Slaps his opponent’s face with his palm. 3% 0 0 N/A
F-Throw Carry N’ Chuck ‘Em He puts them on his back, and he moves with ‘em. You can then toss ‘em by hitting A, throwing them in 3 different directions, Up (with Up), Diagonally (Nothing or side), or Sideways (Down). Diagonal 8% 2903 11.386 60º
Upwards 7% 3061 6.15 90º
Sideways 6% 2218 4.737 30º
Release 6% 0 0 N/A
B-Throw Backwards Toss Spins around and does a backhanded toss. 11% 2486 20.06 45º
U-Throw Upwards Toss Tosses the character into the air. 9% 2613 13.037 90º
D-Throw Hand Crush DK crushes his opponent into the ground with his hand. 7% 2246 10.647 45º
Edge < 100% Backwards Hurl Gets on the stage, and hurls towards it with his back. 8% 3130 0 N/A
Edge ≥ 100% Climb-Up Slap Gets on the stage slowly while swatting forward. 10% 3130 0 N/A
Floor (back) Double Clap => Stand Claps behind him, then in front before standing up. 6% 2926 9.453 45º
Floor (face) Sweep Attack Sweeps while spinning, standing up at the end. 6% 2926 9.453 45º
Floor (trip) Spinning Swat Spins around with his arms out, then gets up. 5% 2262 7.97 45º
Neutral Special Giant Punch Charges up, spinning his arm, then Giant Punches when you press B again. Swing 1 Ground 10% 680 14.236 45º
Swing 1 Air 6% 591 9.45 45º
Swing 2 Ground 12% 740 16.627 45º
Swing 2 Air 8% 630 11.846 45º
Swing 3 Ground 14% 811 19.017 45º
Swing 3 Air 10% 680 14.236 45º
Swing 4 Ground 16% 891 21.41 45º
Swing 4 Air 12% 740 16.627 45º
Swing 5 Ground 18% 981 23.8 45º
Swing 5 Air 14% 811 19.017 45º
Swing 6 Ground 20% 1081 26.194 45º
Swing 6 Air 16% 891 21.41 45º
Swing 7 Ground 22% 1191 28.583 45º
Swing 7 Air 18% 981 23.8 45º
Swing 8 Ground 24% 1312 30.974 45º
Swing 8 Air 20% 1081 26.194 45º
Swing 9 Ground 26% 1442 33.366 45º
Swing 9 Air 22% 1191 28.583 45º
Swing 10 Ground 28% 1582 35.76 45º
Swing 10 Air 24% 1312 30.974 45º
Full Charge Clean Ground 28% 1234 28.607 45º
Full Charge Behind Ground 18% 1236 19.04 80º
Full Charge Clean Air 25% 1068 25.736 45º
Full Charge Behind Air 15% 1130 16.174 80º
Side Special Headbutt Headbutts downwards. Buries any enemies hit by it on the ground. Bury (when DK is on the ground) 10% 0 0 N/A
Bury (when DK is in midair) 14% 0 0 N/A
Opponent in midair. (sourspot if DK is in midair) 8% 396 4.69 70º
DK in midair, opponent in midair (meteor) 14% 709 7.534 -90º
Up Special Spinning Kong Spins around like rotor blades, giving increased horizontal speed and a bit of height in midair. TESTING IN PROGRESS
Down Special Hand Slap Slaps the ground forcefully, creating powerful shockwaves. 14% 2903 8.746 80º
Final Smash Konga Beat Takes out the DK Bongos, and starts beating on them to the tune of “DK Island Swing.” Though immobile, he is invincible and you can increase the power by tapping A with the beat. TESTING IN PROGRESS


Input Move Description Damage Power (0%) Power per % Angle
Neutral Combo Punch -> Kick Ness punches twice and does a fast kick. First Jab 3% 566 5.864 30º
Second Jab 2% 278 2.336 80º
Final Kick 4% 963 7.06 30º
F-Tilt Roundhouse Kick Spins quickly while kicking forwards. 11% 1322 30.864 45º
U-Tilt Upwards Fist Thrust Thrusts his arm upwards. : / 7% 2280 26.834 85ºb
D-Tilt Sweeping Leg Thrust It’s a sweeping leg thrust. Trips a lot, but no real knockback makes it easy to combo. 4% 224 2.824 -10º (Low knockback makes it 0º on ground)
Dash PSI Burst Slowdown Three PSI sparks appear in front of Ness’ hands as he slows to a stop. First 5% 963 0 N/A
Second 4% 1082 0 N/A
Third 4% 1419 7.06 85ºb
U-Smash Yo-yo: Around-the-world Does an around-the-world with his yo-yo. Charging doesn’t seem to help the move at all. “Charge-Up” 4% 2675 0 N/A
On Release 9% 1697 7.923 80º (from the perspective of the yo-yo)
Yo-yo Swing 13% 1447 10.693
F-Smash “Home-Run” Bat Swing Takes his bat and does a wanna-be attempt at a Home-Run swing. Like the Home-Run Bat, does better at the tip. Handle (Uncharged) 18% 2527 29.513 45º
Handle (Charged) 25% 3033 40.19
Mid-section (Uncharged) 20% 2652 32.476
Mid-section (Charged) 28% 3273 44.34
Near-tip (Uncharged) 22% 2788 35.446
Near-tip (Charged) 30.5% 3538 48.49
Tip (Uncharged) 24% 2938 38.407
Tip (Charged) 33.5% 3827 52.644
U-Air Upwards Headbutt An upwards headbutt… 13% 1581 38.85 85º
F-Throw Psychokinetic Forwards Toss Uses PSI powers to send ‘em round and round and then throw them forward. 11% 3904 3.087` 45º
B-Throw Psychokinetic Backwards Toss Psychokinetically carries them over his head, swings 'em and throws. 11% 1645 40.12 50º



To be transferred here:

Input Move Description Damage Power (0%) Power per % Angle
D-Air N/A N/A Spike 11% 790 1543 -90º


Nothing else at the moment…May consider doing Master Chief when I decide to open my Brawl case for the first time in two months…