User:Pokemon trainer Green/Userboxes

MarioIcon(SSBU).png This user likes the mario series.
LuigiIcon(SSBU).png This user's favorite color is green.
BowserIcon(SSBU).png This user thinks that Bowser is dumb.
PeachIcon(SSBU).png Hucha
DrMarioIcon(SSBU).png This user thinks that Dr. Mario is 10x beter than mario.
RosalinaIcon(SSBU).png This user does NOT want to go to space.
BowserJrIcon(SSBU).png This user thinks bowser jr. is cute.
DaisyIcon(SSBU).png This user thinks Daisy is the weariest character in smash.
PiranhaPlantIcon(SSBU).png Opps, spoke too soon.
DonkeyKongIcon(SSBU).png This users dad's main is DK.
DiddyKongIcon(SSBU).png This user is crazy.
KingKRoolIcon(SSBU).png This user has been in a bo-at (or boat).
YoshiIcon(SSBU).png This user likes Yoshi A LOOOOOOOOOOOOT.
WarioIcon(SSBU).png This user likes garlic.
LinkIcon(SSBU).png This user says duh nuh nuh nuhhhhhhhhhhh.
ZeldaIcon(SSBU).png Is this user a girl...
SheikIcon(SSBU).png or a boy?.
GanondorfIcon(SSBU).png This user will protect the Triforce (to the best of this users ability).
YoungLinkIcon(SSBU).png This user has beaten The Legend of Zelda: A link between worlds.
ToonLinkIcon(SSBU).png This user waches cartoons.
SamusIcon(SSBU).png This user thought Samus was a robot at first.
ZeroSuitSamusIcon(SSBU).png This user thinks Zero Suit Samus shold of been exesable without a smash ball in brawl.
RidleyIcon(SSBU).png This user thought Ridley was too big for Smash.
DarkSamusIcon(SSBU).png Now this is a robot.
KirbyIcon(SSBU).png This user used to main Kiby in smash.
MetaKnightIcon(SSBU).png This user does not think meda knight is overpowered in brawl.
KingDededeIcon(SSBU).png This users one heavy figter that this user is good with is the deed.
FoxIcon(SSBU).png This user has never played a star fox game.
FalcoIcon(SSBU).png so no funny userbox.
WolfIcon(SSBU).png :(
PikachuIcon(SSBU).png This user has caught way too many pikachu.
JigglypuffIcon(SSBU).png This user likes to sleep.
PichuIcon(SSBU).png Weakachu.
MewtwoIcon(SSBU).png This user thinks that legendary pokemon shold be more powerful than this.
PokémonTrainerIcon(SSBU).png This user is a pokemon trainer.
SquirtleIcon(SSBU).png This user likes to swim.
IvysaurIcon(SSBU).png This user can also be a bulbasour. (Bubbasour11)
CharizardIcon(SSBU).png This user likes hot tubs.
LucarioIcon(SSBU).png This user likes making lucario mega evolve.
GreninjaIcon(SSBU).png This user picked Froakie as his starter in Pokémon X.
IncineroarIcon(SSBU).png This user piked litten in sun.
CaptainFalconIcon(SSBU).png Kirby PUNCH!
NessIcon(SSBU).png This user likes saying, "Okay."
LucasIcon(SSBU).png This user Lucas is 10x beter than ness.
IceClimbersIcon(SSBU).png This user works better alone.
MarthIcon(SSBU).png This user is confused abut fire emblem babys.
RoyIcon(SSBU).png This user prefers the koopaling.
IkeIcon(SSBU).png This user has some friends.
LucinaIcon(SSBU).png This user is Okish with clones.
RobinIcon(SSBU).png This user has played Fire Emblem Awakening.
CorrinIcon(SSBU).png This user has beaten Fire Emblem Fates.
ChromIcon(SSBU).png This user thougt Chrom was Robbins final smash?
BylethIcon(SSBU).png This user is happy that Byleth was put in Smash.
MrGame&WatchIcon(SSBU).png This user mains game and watch in brawl.
PitIcon(SSBU).png This user does not like pits cange in smash 4.
PalutenaIcon(SSBU).png HEY another old final smash!
DarkPitIcon(SSBU).png Pitooooooooooooooooooooooooo.
OlimarIcon(SSBU).png This user tinks he shold be shorter than that, right?
ROBIcon(SSBU).png This user wants to program robots.
SnakeIcon(SSBU).png This user is not scared of sakes.
SonicIcon(SSBU).png This user thinks sonic is too fast.
VillagerIcon(SSBU).png This user has new horizons.
IsabelleIcon(SSBU).png This user also has the DLC for Mario Kart 8.
MegaManIcon(SSBU).png This user calls mega man dega dan.
LittleMacIcon(SSBU).png This user is good at recovering.
WiiFitTrainerIcon(SSBU).png This user has a wii.
Pac-ManIcon(SSBU).png This user is afraid of ghosts.
ShulkIcon(SSBU).png This user likes the sward.
DuckHuntIcon(SSBU).png Go home Diogee
RyuIcon(SSBU).png This user will ryu later.
KenIcon(SSBU).png *rimshot*
CloudIcon(SSBU).png This user plays kingdom hearts (Is that roxes?).
BayonettaIcon(SSBU).png This user has a amount of hair.
InklingIcon(SSBU).png This user wants Splatoon 2.
MinMinIcon(SSBU).png This user not flexable.
SimonIcon(SSBU).png This user is a scardy cat.
RichterIcon(SSBU).png Is this userbox over yet?.
JokerIcon(SSBU).png This user jokes around a lot.
HeroIcon(SSBU).png This user likes magic.
Banjo&KazooieIcon(SSBU).png This user is sooooooooooooooo happy banjo and kazoie are in smash.
TerryIcon(SSBU).png This user is OK.
SteveIcon(SSBU).png This user play minecaft on the switch.
MiiBrawlerIcon(SSBU).png This user is bad at punching.
MiiGunnerIcon(SSBU).png This user mainly uses gun-wielding characters.
MiiSwordfighterIcon(SSBU).png This user likes swords.