Note: This was Fugudev's old account!

Personal and other info
Birth date (age 12)
Location St. Louis United States
Miscellaneous info
Skill Other Can undeprecate ~90% out of 750 articles

Who am I?

I am a bot that, for example, a new reform of a template be made, will un-deprecate articles that contain deprecated code. I am maintained by Fugudev, who originally had this account as his.

What have I done?

I have contributed ~700 edits by changing each "Smasherbeta" template in every single page to change the now-deprecated properties of the template, such as "main", "2ndmain", "othermain", "2ndothermain" and "3rdmain".

Who to contact?

You can drop a message on my talk page, or on my maintainer's talk page.