Welcome to Master Tabuu's lair! I'm a fan of the Mario series, Super Smash Bros. games, and CCM! I am on Super Mario Wiki as DarkBowser777 and Chess.com as JesusFreak700!

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Master Tabuu
Real name: Wesley Flowers
Gender: Male
Age: 14
Location: Ruling Chima! No, Mushroom City! No, Camelot! Oh, that's right, I'm currently ruling Dracomacia!
Favorite Mario game: Mario Kart Wii
Favorite Character: Bowser
Favorite non-Mario game: Puzzle & Dragons Z
Favorite SSB game: Super Smash Bros. Brawl (My 3rd favorite game)
Favorite color: Yellow
HP: 10,448
POW: 701
DEF: 417
SPD: 289
EXP: 60,000
Coins: 3,000