User:MHStarCraft/Nintendo Cinematic Universe

This user page was previously owned by Disaster Flare, who now goes by the username of Amber Blackstar. He let me have this page because he didn't need it anymore and I personally think this page is interesting.

If you've stumbled across this page, you're probably wondering: What the fudge? Well, the following is actually a common subject among my brother and I. Thinking back to the failure of the live action Super Mario Bros. movie, we determined that the only people who can treat Nintendo's characters right is Nintendo themselves, which is why we think they should take a lesson from Marvel and start their own studio, creating a series of movies in a similar vein to the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Is this likely? Probably not, but it's still fun to think about either way, and if one day it did happen, you can be sure as heck that I'm going to be getting the best seats and the best popcorn in the theatre. For this page I will go by 'Phases' just like the MCU, and will include a list of movies in each phase that will have the plot, as well as which characters will appear in what. Keep in mind though I'm not entirely familiar with some franchises (Biggest example being F-Zero) or I'm just clueless on how a plot would work, so if you see a movie that has a plot labeled 'TBD,' then please contribute if you can, most preferably run it by me first on this page's talk page, and if it's greenlit, I'll add it. Anyway, let's begin.

Phase 1Edit

It all starts with the beginning, as they say. Phase 1 contains the origins of 'The Original 12.' This phase starts off with Super Mario Bros., and topping it off with Super Smash Bros.

Super Mario Bros. Mario, Luigi, Peach, Bowser, Yoshi It's a wonderful day in the Mushroom Kingdom, until Bowser and his army of Koopas invade and kidnap Princess Peach. Mario and Luigi, plumbers of the Mushroom Kingdom and the two unlikeliest of heroes, step up when no one else would and survive the vicious lands inhabited by Goombas, Koopas, Lakitus, etc. and defeat Bowser. After the dust settles, Mario and Luigi get a letter with the World of Trophies' mysterious symbol printed on the front...
Kirby's Adventure Kirby, King Dedede, Meta Knight TBD
Metroid Samus TBD
Pokémon Pikachu, Jigglypuff, Mewtwo, Squirtle/Ivysaur/Charizard? TBD (To be clear on this one, I'm a huge fan of Pokémon, I'm just clueless about a possible plot. Maybe something related to the first anime movie?)
EarthBound Ness TBD
Star Fox Fox, Falco, Wolf Possibly based on Star Fox 64.
The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time Young Link, Link, Zelda, Sheik, Ganondorf Obviously OoT
Super Smash Bros. The Original 12 This can be kind of debatable, but the most likely scenario is that they band together for a tournament in the World of Trophies ultimately ending with the winner having to face Master Hand in combat.

Phase 1 TriviaEdit

  • The characters Captain Falcon, Donkey Kong, and Yoshi I did consider having their own movies in Phase 1, but as it was already getting too big as it is, some had to be scrapped and I kept in the relevant ones
    • Yoshi ultimately makes his debut in Super Mario Bros. and Captain Falcon and Donkey Kong in Super Smash Bros.
  • The Legend of Zelda and Kirby I had a lot of trouble deciding which plots to use. Before settling on Kirby's Adventure, I had initially went with Kirby's Dream Land. Zelda on the other hand I was initially considering basing it on the original, but due to the nature of Link in SSB being based on his OoT appearance, as well as OoT being a more popular and relevant title, I had to go with that.

Phase 2Edit

Phase 2 marks the first appearances of the Melee newcomers, Donkey Kong and Captain Falcon finally get a movie.

Super Mario Sunshine Mario, Luigi, Peach, Bowser Jr., Bowser?, Yoshi? The plot of Super Mario Sunshine
Luigi's Mansion Luigi, Mario Come on, we need some Luigi screentime, and Luigi is awesome, he deserves this. Can be seen as the third entry in the Super Mario Bros. movie series.
Metroid II Samus Despite being titled 'Metroid II,' it's actually based on Super Metroid.
F-Zero Captain Falcon TBD
Fire Emblem Marth TBD
Pokémon 2 Pikachu, Jigglypuff, Mewtwo?, Pichu, Squirtle/Ivysaur/Charizard? TBD
The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask Young Link The plot of Majora's Mask.
Donkey Kong Country Donkey Kong, Diddy Kong TBD
Fire Emblem: The Binding Blade Roy The plot of Binding Blade.
Super Smash Bros. Melee The Melee Cast TBD

Phase 2 TriviaEdit

  • Dr. Mario, Mr. Game & Watch, and the Ice Climbers were the only Melee newcomers to not get a movie.
    • Dr. Mario and Mr. Game & Watch would make their debuts in Super Smash Bros. Melee while the Ice Climbers would get a movie in Phase 3.

Phase 3Edit

New Super Mario Bros. Mario, Luigi, Peach, Bowser This movie would have the Koopalings appear and would also be based on the plot of New Super Mario Bros.
Metroid: Other M Samus, Zero Suit Samus The plot of Metroid: Other M.
Kirby: The Crystal Shards Kirby, King Dedede The plot of Kirby 64
EarthBound 2 Lucas TBD
Kid Icarus Pit, Palutena TBD
Pokémon 3 Lucario, TBD TBD
WarioWare Inc. Wario TBD
Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance Ike TBD
Pikmin Olimar TBD
The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess Link, Zelda, Ganondorf The plot of TP.
Ice Climber Ice Climbers TBD
The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker Toon Link The plot of Wind Waker.
Super Smash Bros. Brawl The Brawl Cast Follows the plot of the Subspace Emissary.

Phase 3 TriviaEdit

  • Given the nature of them being third-party characters, movies for Sonic and Snake would most likely not see the light of day until at least Phase 4 (Given that Snake no longer appears, it'd be impossible for a Metal Gear movie to be a part of the NCU unless he comes back as DLC).
  • R.O.B. and Mr. Game & Watch do not have movies for obvious reasons.

Phase 4Edit

Super Mario Galaxy Mario, Rosalina, Bowser, Peach?, Yoshi?, Luigi? The plot of Super Mario Galaxy.
Pikmin 2 Olimar The plot of Pikmin 2.
Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon Luigi, Mario The plot of LM:DM.
Metroid Fusion Samus The plot of Metroid Fusion.
Pikmin 3 Alph The plot of Pikmin 3
The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword Link The plot of Skyward Sword. Live action Groose FTW.
Kid Icarus: Uprising Pit, Palutena, Dark Pit The plot of Uprising.
Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn Ike TBD
Xenoblade Chronicles Shulk TBD
Fire Emblem: Awakening Robin, Lucina The plot of Awakening.
Pokémon 4 Greninja, TBD TBD
Sonic the Hedgehog Sonic TBD
Mega Man Mega Man TBD
Punch-Out!! Little Mac TBD, probably will be a Rocky ripoff, with more Side B's off of stages.
Super Smash Bros. 4 The Smash 4 cast TBD
Street Fighter Ryu TBD

Phase 4 TriviaEdit

  • Villager, Wii Fit Trainer, Duck Hunt, Pac-Man, and the Miis don't get movies for obvious reasons, though Miis would be treated as natives to the World of Trophies.
  • Sonic finally gets a movie despite being third party
    • Furthermore, Mega Man and Ryu still get their own due to Nintendo and Capcom being on seemingly good terms lately, though Street Fighter would happen after SSB4 as a reference to Ryu's status as DLC.


As far as Phase 5 goes, I have no clue. With them pumping out more and more stuff for Smash 4 for us to buy (I swear every time they announce a DLC character I can feel the money loosening out of my pocket) and with Smash 4 seeming like it'll have quite the lifespan, Phase 5 may not be listed for some time. Until then I guess. Any questions, suggestions, and advice, please direct them to this page's talk page. Thanks for reading.

See alsoEdit