Oh. You actually decided to visit my page? Well then, might as well explain who I am. My favorite videogame universes represented in Smash are many, though my very favorites would be Mario, The Legend of Zelda, Star Fox, Pokémon, Game & Watch, Kid Icarus and Mega Man. I've been playing the Smash Bros. series since Melee came out, though it's been a long time since then, and I don't play this game competitively. I started to play competitively since SSB4 came out, maining mai waifu, Lady Palutena, since the very beginning, a trait that carried over onto Ultimate. While I don't play Melee competitively, it's often pretty hype to watch sets from Melee players (so long as it doesn't get stale) since the game is so fast.
My region is relatively small compared to other regions on the Mexican SSB4 scene, with only our best players traveling outside of the region to smash it out on other places like Jalisco or Mexico City. Despite this, my region is still rather strong. Like in SSB4, I'm the resident Palu main here, with Wolf as a secondary (the other chars are for friendlies).
If you want to use the images from my userspace, go ahead, you have my permission. You can find them here.
General information about me
My abad grarmar makez me extrremelty proine to commitingh misstakdes whjile editying. Srry if yu fin one :c
Lady Palutena, that girl on my templates below, is my favorite Nintendo girl, mai waifu, and I'm proud of it (other girls I really like include Rosie, but I don't have the enough patience to learn and play her alongside my other characters).
This user trusts and is a friend of Beep, the user with the highest chance of spelling errors ever.
People that use it:
Aidanzapunk: Aidan is a punk (kappa) Jokes aside, this user is so random yet so fun at the same time. And it's a good thing he's an admin here, I couldn't ask for more.
Disaster Flare: A good friend, always patient and extremely good editor, its a good thing he's an admin. He may know nothing technical about the game but he is still very trustworthy nonetheless. If you're reading this man, you're a good admin and shouldn't be too hard on yourself :>
DracoRexKing: A nice guy from Chile, many reasons to like him since he shares many of the same hobbies with me. Also likes dinosaurs. Hola Draco :)
MetaKing: He's just a young smasher, and mains Meta Knight. However, from what I've read, he seems no joke. Maybe one day, I'll get to face him and see for myself.
MHStarCraft: Have known him ever since he went as Dots. I still call him like that often. He's fun to talk to :}
Serpent King: A trustworthy admin that most people can easily rely on, I really thank him for his job in the wiki. Hai SK
Yellow: Formerly Timson, he's that quiet guy who is actually very likable, and has good tastes all around. Definitely a good friendo ^-^