Miscellaneous graphs I made that weren't notable enough for their own subpage, posted to Twitter or elsewhere. The quality and detail of the graphs varies, so you may need to read the description underneath the graphs if it is unclear what is being shown.
The maximum and minimum amount of time opponents are trapped in Egg Lay with percent in Ultimate.
The KO percents of final smashes with consistent damage outputs against Mario from the centre of FD. For final smashes with variable launch angles, the median KO percent is taken.
A projection of the distance a tippered home run swing sends the sandbag in Ultimate's Home Run Contest, after the second threshold is passed.
A comparison of the effective hitstun with knockback in each game in the series. Values based on the earliest the hitstun can be cancelled.
A comparison of Rest's knockback with percent in each Smash game, against a constant 98 weight fighter.
A comparison of Blue Falcon's knockback with percent in each Smash game.
The frequency of the startups of every ledge attack in Ultimate, with Squirtle's labelled.