Uploads by Byllant

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File list
Date Name Thumbnail Size Description
00:43, December 15, 2018 KirbyCartoonSuperspicyCurry.PNG (file) 420 KB Dedede and Escargoon didn't consume the curry in that shot (heck, you can even spot the spicy burgers instead). Replaced with a shot of Kirby from the same episode actually experiencing the spiciness of the curry.
19:09, December 19, 2015 WarioFinalSmash-Smash4WiiU.jpg (file) 344 KB Screenshot taken from the MarioWiki, originally uploaded there by user Time Turner.
20:15, November 13, 2015 MarioTitle.png (file) 141 KB The new logo now bigger. Saved from a vector format and converted into a bitmap format.
19:00, March 28, 2015 Master Hand SSB4.png (file) 298 KB Bigger, I guess.
18:16, March 28, 2015 Crazy Hand (SSB Wii U & 3DS).png (file) 344 KB Cropped.
05:18, July 8, 2014 Smash Bros..png (file) 86 KB Group artwork taken from the ''Super Smash Bros.'' manual.
17:50, June 13, 2014 Pac-Man title.png (file) 90 KB Official logo from the ''Pac-Man'' website.
02:21, April 13, 2014 Tomodachi.png (file) 670 KB ''Tomodachi Life'' title logo.
20:34, April 1, 2014 Dedede ring.png (file) 2 KB Kirby fighting King Dedede. From Kirby Wiki. Category:Fair use files