Character info
Melee mains Fox, Falco
Other Melee characters Marth, Samus
Team info
Crew(s) Rare Candy
Former crews Smash Yakuza, SDB
Personal and other info
Real name Anthony
Birth date (age 38)
Location Stockport and Liverpool England

FishEatCorn (formerly known as Aiko) is a smasher from Stockport who has played Smash games since before Melee was released, but began playing competitively in December 2006. He was introduced to the competitive scene by BloodBowler. He is the tournament organiser for the monthly Melee and Project M regional tournaments in Manchester.

Tournaments AttendedEdit

  • Edster - April 2007
  • Anarchy Rules 2 - August 2007
  • Smash GT - October 2007
  • GGT2 - January 2009

External linksEdit

Aiko at NW UK Ranbat