Character info
Smash 4 main Rosalina & Luma
Ultimate main Samus
Other Ultimate characters Pokémon Trainer, Rosalina & Luma, Dark Samus
Team info
Crew(s) Star FighterZ
Rankings and results info
Most recent ranking Super Smash Bros. 4 Wi-Fi Warrior Rank v2: 33rd
Personal and other info
Real name Bernhardt Fischer
Location Marl, Nordrhein-Westfalen Germany

Bernihetero is a Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Samus player from Germany. He has a win over wusi.

In Super Smash Bros. for Wii U, Bernihetero was a Rosalina & Luma Wi-Fi Warrior. He is ranked 33rd on the Wi-Fi Warrior Rank v2 and has offline wins over players such as Destany, Kakpu, TripleAAA, Yikarur, otek, and Narayan.

Tournament placingsEdit

Super Smash Bros. for Wii UEdit

Tournament Date 1v1 placement 2v2 placement Partner
Pandali's Pandemonium Tournament March 25th-26th, 2016 49th / 144 7th / 24 Sillintor
Smash Valley January 27th-29th, 2017 33rd 17th RiNoR
Calyptus Cup Essen: Reset April 22nd, 2017 5th
Calyptus Cup Essen: Frame May 27th, 2017 17th
Respawn 5 August 7th-13th, 2017 49th 17th Sillintor
Calyptus Cup Essen Invitational September 9th, 2017 13th
Calyptus Cup Essen: Runback September 30th, 2017 25th
Calyptus Cup Essen: Subspace December 9th, 2017 33rd
Calyptus Cup Essen x Smash Valley January 20th, 2018 33rd
Calyptus Cup Recoil February 24th, 2018 3rd 3rd SirJon
Calyptus Cup Horizon May 12th, 2018 13th 3rd SirJon
Smash Valley 2018 May 18th-21st, 2018 17th 13th SirJon
The Smash Bash 85: France Edition  June 9th-10th, 2018 4th
Calyptus Cup Focus July 14th, 2018 7th 7th SirJon
Eclipse Smash 50: RobinGG Edition  August 18th-19th, 2018 33rd
Calyptus Cup Climax September 15th, 2018 17th
The Smash Bash 100: Mushroom Kingdom Edition  September 29th-30th, 2018 7th

Super Smash Bros. UltimateEdit

Tournament Date 1v1 placement 2v2 placement Partner
Calyptus Cup Inkstrike February 16th, 2019 25th
Calyptus Cup Fusion April 20th, 2019 25th
DoKomi 2019 June 8th-9th, 2019 49th
Calyptus Cup Begone! September 22nd, 2019 17th
Calyptus Cup X: Powwer Up February 29th, 2020 33rd
The Quarantine Series: Europe Edition!  June 6th-7th, 2020 49th

External linksEdit