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Updated September 18, 2001

The next generation of Zelda was shown off at Spaceworld, but in Smash, Link’s design is based off the 64 version.
(Although I’m interested in that style too… maybe I’ll redo him starting right now)
However, he has "The Adventure of Link’s" essence in him too, and he’s become an amalgamation of all the Links.

At any rate, he is a character that I enjoy working on.
With a variety of projectiles and some unique attacks, he’s a very adaptable character, so playing as him is fun.

Since he has a lot of projectiles, I decreased his walking speed and made him jump lower. I wonder if that’s enough of a handicap??

Link SSBM.jpg

SW:1226 Note
Descriptions from images in this gallery are written here instead of on individual pages.
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Link joins. Link, Linku! The new special, Bow. Try firing at the maximum draw! Bomb. His specials revolve around taking out items.
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Spin attack is more powerful now, and can dish out multiple hits. Aerial hookshot! You can return by hooking yourself to the wall! Saying "cheese!" with Tingle.

(Screenshots under development)

Table of Link's special moves
Normal special move Bow
Side special move Boomerang
Up special move Spin Attack
Down special move Bomb
