A crouching front kick. It is Ganondorf's best tilt and one of his most useful grounded moves. It is best used in Neutral, where its range and safety somewhat compensate Ganondorf's slow stats against more grounded characters (like Fox or Kirby). It also works relatively well with Flame Choke, although it is often outclassed by an instant dash attack. Also functions as a poor man's anti-air because of its surprisingly good vertical reach, as Ganondorf's unusual up tilt isn't suited for the role. However, the reward on hit isn't the best out of Ganondorf's tools, as the upward diagonal angle and relatively strong knockback doesn't allow him to combo out of it, and the kill power is way less potent than the rest of his kit.
Hitboxes | 10-12 |
Interruptible | 36 |
Animation length | 45 |
Lag time |
Hitbox |
Interruptible |
- The move has a 35% trip chance that can never actually happen, due to its largely vertical launch angle.
- The move is referred to as Leg Sweep in-game, despite Ganondorf's down tilt only having been a sweep in Melee.