User talk:Black Vulpine/Archive 1

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Revision as of 02:14, July 29, 2017 by Black Vulpine (talk | contribs) (Black Vulpine moved page User talk:Black Vulpine to User talk:Black Vulpine/Archive 1: Time to start fresh.)

Hi there!


Welcome to our wiki, and thank you for your contributions! There's a lot to do around here, so I hope you'll stay with us and make many more improvements.

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I'm really happy to have you here, and look forward to working with you!

Serpent   King 01:04, 9 April 2017 (EDT)

It's an honour to be here, and thank you for your welcome. I'm still learning how to work a wiki, but I'm really humbled by your welcome, and I hope to make an impact on this site, whether adding info where it is missing, or defending certain articles from vandalism. You probably already noticed some of this. With your help, I hope to become a valuable member of the community.

I should point out that I don't really look much at info about tournament players, so I probably won't be touching any Smasher bios, outside of my own. However, I'll still be on the lookout for foul play.

These links you've given me will help me learn what I can do when editing a page, but I'll most definitely come to you if I have any questions! At the moment I'm researching Smash for Switch. So far all I can confirm is that it's going to happen. That's literally all I know, so it's probably not worth writing down anywhere other than here. I'll keep my eyes out though.

Once again, thank you for your support. I promise to do the best I can, where I can. Black Vulpine (talk) 02:06, 9 April 2017 (EDT)

Cool, no problem. Uh I should also mention that we have set up a semi-new discord channel that you can find out more about here. We'd love to have you there, and once again, welcome to SmashWiki! Serpent   King 02:28, 9 April 2017 (EDT)
Sounds good. If I ever join Discord, I'll be sure to take a look. Black Vulpine (talk) 02:31, 9 April 2017 (EDT)

Just noticed you've been giving a few tweaks to some of the things I've been doing today, including correcting errors on my userpage. Thanks for looking out, Serp! ^.^ Black Vulpine (talk) 04:21, 9 April 2017 (EDT)

Happy to help, not a problem. Serpent   King 05:01, 9 April 2017 (EDT)


Ok so I have been trying to think on how best to word this, and I think I have it right now, so here goes. I sense great promise in you, and I feel like in a couple of months or so, you could make yourself an asset to SmashWiki. That being the case, I am willing to sort you through your newbie days, powering you through them quickly, and the best way to do that is with the discord channel. I hope you reconsider joining it, with that said. Thanks! Serpent   King 22:27, 13 April 2017 (EDT)

I have been considering joining Discord, though I'm just not quite ready to go there yet. Soon though. I promise I will seek you out when I do. I would be most grateful for your offer here. Black Vulpine (talk) 22:30, 13 April 2017 (EDT)


You passed your request for rollback! -- Ethan (Discussion) 12:28, 14 April 2017 (EDT)

Yeah congrats, I probably won't even get out of the "none" group membership Kirby's Crazy Appetite ~   12:41, 14 April 2017 (EDT)
Congrats! :D First rollback in over a year? Holy crap no wonder people blame me for not giving them rollback chances. Disaster Flare   (talk) 13:26, 14 April 2017 (EDT)
Gj. I blame Flare for more than just that though. Serpent   King 18:16, 14 April 2017 (EDT)
Thank you all for your support. I will continue to do my best to become a valued member of the community. Black Vulpine (talk) 19:01, 14 April 2017 (EDT)

Blue links

I'll keep those tips in mind. Thanks for the heads up. 22:45, 5 May 2017 (EDT)

Giving previewing warnings

The preview thing is less important in times of less activity. It's no use warning people about it if it doesn't actually bother anyone. Serpent   King 21:52, 20 May 2017 (EDT)

Okay, sure. :)Black Vulpine (talk) 22:11, 20 May 2017 (EDT)


Please come see me on discord at your earliest convenience. There is something semi-serious I need to talk to you about. Thanks! Serpent   King 23:04, 29 May 2017 (EDT)

Regarding this

I would tell you this on Discord, but I can't access Discord on my phone at this time. Moving on to the main point, I'm going to regard that as rollback misusage. It's easy to assume you rollbacked under vandalism assumption based on what you said on the noticeboard. Just because few people main a character doesn't automatically make it vandalism, and, unless someone adds someone like Shrek, those edits shouldn't be rollbacked, but instead undone if you truly have doubts. Disaster Flare   (talk) 15:31, 18 June 2017 (EDT)

It happened a week ago, so I'm not sure chipping me about it now is going to accomplish much. But okay. Black Vulpine of the Furry Nation 20:40, 18 June 2017 (EDT)
*moment of realization* Yeah, I suppose that's true. Remind me to never try to edit SmashWiki while on a road trip again. e_e Disaster Flare   (talk) 20:44, 18 June 2017 (EDT)
Awr, don't be like that. You're still an awesome admin in my book. :3 Black Vulpine of the Furry Nation 20:47, 18 June 2017 (EDT)

Low quality images

Can I ask why you reverted a lot of "low quality" tags? Almost all of those images have poor resolution and quality issues from being screenshotted out of prerelease video. We have the ability to upload native quality screenshots now; why not do so? Miles (talk) 11:43, 21 June 2017 (EDT)

I felt that because just about all of those pics were used as gallery images, there was really no need for new versions of them - since the vast number of wiki visitors would only be looking at the thumbnails anyway. What would be the point of having a high res image when only a small percentage of users would be looking at a thumbnail? Black Vulpine of the Furry Nation 20:01, 21 June 2017 (EDT)

This edit

While it is admirable to see you enforce policy, I would like to note that we generally don't remove comments from talk pages. In this case, a talkpage message and an unsigned template would've been a more appropriate route.

--- Monsieur Crow, Author Extraordinaire, 21:51, 4 July 2017 (EDT)

I got a bit over-eager. Sorry about that. Black Vulpine of the Furry Nation. Furries make the Internets go! :3 22:45, 4 July 2017 (EDT)

Once again, I know you mean well, but for this user, a probation warning is far too premature at this point; GR33NL3M0N only edited four times over the course of ten minutes, and hasn't edited since. Now, if they had spent several hours and/or days editing just his userpage or Smash Arena, such a warning would be justified, but as-is, I feel this is too early. Don't crack the whip too early, especially for neophytes.

--- Monsieur Crow, Author Extraordinaire, 21:05, 9 July 2017 (EDT)

Indeed. My first 3 (I think) edits were to my userpage, far too early for anyone to jump on it. Serpent   King 21:09, 9 July 2017 (EDT)
Okay v.v Black Vulpine of the Furry Nation. Furries make the Internets go! :3 21:11, 9 July 2017 (EDT)


Uh... this might be a bad time but...

"Do not dignify those who are trolling with a response at all, even if it is on your own talk page - that is exactly what they wish for. Don't play into their hands".Alex Parpotta the flying lobster! 10:01, 9 July 2017 (EDT)

I am aware of this, but I felt something had to be said, because this seemed to be more like an immature child than an actual troll. For a moment there, I had switched to 'explain what policy is' mode. Black Vulpine of the Furry Nation. Furries make the Internets go! :3 10:30, 9 July 2017 (EDT)


In the U.K. "practise" is the verb form, used in sentences like "I practise football", or "I am practising piano". Practice instead refers to a practice, e.g being a doctor. So why exactly did you mark the page with the d template? Alex Parpotta the flying lobster! 09:19, 23 July 2017 (EDT)

Three reasons.
  1. It's too close to being a typo redirect.
  2. It's a language distinction too minor to be deemed significant.
  3. Perhaps the biggest reason of all, which even that article you linked me (and I already read beforehand) admits to: 'Practise' just isn't used anymore these days unless it's used as a verb - and even then it's so very rare. It doesn't fit that definition here.
Does that answer your question? Oh and by the way, this should have been on that article's talk page, not here. Black Vulpine of the Furry Nation. Furries make the Internets go! :3 09:26, 23 July 2017 (EDT)
  1. So is Shiek but we still kept that.
  2. So is Shiek but we still kept that.
  3. As someone who ives in the U.K., I beg to differ. In fact if you use practice instead of practise, you absolutely WILL have someone point it out and lecture you on correct grammar and etymology. Plus they really nailed it in during grammar lessons at my old school, and I'd imagine other schools do the same.

Alex Parpotta the flying lobster! 09:30, 23 July 2017 (EDT)

I'm sorry but I've never met anyone who has spelt it "Practise" (that includes English teachers) nor have i been lectured on it. This isn't like a they're, there and their situation where they all mean different things and are all commonly used in modern speech, both spellings are almost identical in meaning and quite frankly just aren't used anymore. This is all coming from a UK resident btw. BSTIK (talk) 09:41, 23 July 2017 (EDT)
That might have been true 10 years ago, but things have changed a lot these days. And critically, I have never seen 'Practise' pop up in the game. I looked up the game's music file, and even in the PAL versions, it's named 'Online Practice Stage'. Unfortunately, as our MOS dictates, we go by what the games themselves say when putting down proper nouns. Black Vulpine of the Furry Nation. Furries make the Internets go! :3 09:36, 23 July 2017 (EDT)
Guys are we seriously arguing over how much harder it is to press the "C" key instead of the "S" one in the search bar? It's kind of a dumb thing to argue over don't you think? I'm going to give Parpotta a chance to respond before deleting it, but please consider how much it actually matters first. Serpent   King 10:10, 23 July 2017 (EDT)
All I'm saying is that "practise" is an official verbal varient of "practice", so I think it should have a redirect. But if everyone else disagrees with me then I guess I'm wrong. Alex Parpotta the flying lobster! 10:22, 23 July 2017 (EDT)
Yeah. VERBAL. Its use is not a verb here. And even if it was, we gotta go by what the game names it. Black Vulpine of the Furry Nation. Furries make the Internets go! :3 10:27, 23 July 2017 (EDT)

Transferred discussion made by SK

As a not-admin, you aren't allowed to have an roast page per SW:NPA. I have moved the legitimate discussion held there to here and will be deleting that page. Serpent   King 20:01, 23 July 2017 (EDT)

Actually I've got a bone to pick with you. I don't know if you've realized this but you can act rather condescending/arrogant/aggressive at times. A recent example would be when you marked the redirect page as speedy delete, you did not properly explain why, so when I undid it, it seemed as though you were just confused, however you then immediately accused me of edit warring and acted as though I was in the wrong, when you did not properly explain your reasoning behind it. Furthermore, when I started the discussion on your talk page, it was because the speedy delete template is not one that facilitates a discussion on the talk page. I was specifically asking you what the reasoning for the d template was, because it seemed like there was a very good reason for it. However you then immediately got angry at me for doing so, and even specifically mentioned me by name in an edit summary, saying something along the lines of "linking the discussion here because Alex wrongly started the discussion there" (not a direct quote, as the edit history for the page was removed), and then on the talk page you said "Oh and by the way, this should have been on that article's talk page, not here". The inclusion of "oh and by the way" made that sentence very aggressive and rude, like you were talking to me as if I were someone you hated or something. This is just the most recent example but you've done stuff like this before, not just to me by the way, and you never apologize for it or anything, which I will assume is because you don't realize you are being rude. Alex Parpotta the flying lobster! 13:07, 23 July 2017 (EDT) (edit): The reason I'm putting this here is because it seems kinda unpleasant to have something like this on your talk page. I am aware that I could have put it there instead. Alex Parpotta the flying lobster! 13:21, 23 July 2017 (EDT)

Well first off, you could have posted this on my talk page, and I am going to move this there once you reply. Secondly, I'm sorry if I did come off as aggressive and rude. However, keep in mind that all of those incidents, I was simply trying to follow standard procedure when dealing with anything. Because of the formal way I manage these things, it can seem like I am coming off as being rude. In the case of avoiding edit warring, the article's discussion page should always be used, and that's simply what I was trying to get you to do, at least in future.
However I have a concern of myself about you, being that as of late, you're being a bit quick to jump to assuming bad faith whenever someone addresses you, or getting passive aggressive about such things. There was the incident with Crow, and you've been using the edit summaries a bit inappropriately too, one of which really caused the Crow incident to flare up. I'm honest to god trying to be gentle with you, I'm not having a go at you, however this is what I have observed from you as of late, and it's very concerning and damaging to the community when people start assuming bad faith. A few other people have made the same observations too, so it's not just me. Again, I'm sorry if this hurts you. Sometimes the truth hurts though, and you really do need to be aware that this is what is happening, and it needs to be managed. Black Vulpine of the Furry Nation. Furries make the Internets go! :3 19:34, 23 July 2017 (EDT)
I'm not entirely sure what you mean when you say I'm "assuming bad faith". Assuming bad faith is generally defined as when you assume that an editor is making edits maliciously based on potentially inaccurate or misinformed edits. This is hardly comparable to anything I've done recently. Also other than on that one occasion when have I misused edit summaries? (This is especially odd considering like 90% of the time when I actually use an edit summary, the summary is "typo"). Alex Parpotta the flying lobster! 19:47, 23 July 2017 (EDT)
As I said, you have, at least from what I've observed, been a bit too quick to assume that people are having a go at you (hence the bad faith assumptions) and getting passive aggressive with people at times. Going back to Crow again, while it was your offensive edit summary that really got the fire going, it was you getting passive aggressive with him before that that started the trouble. To your credit, you're not completely at fault for the incident, but the fact that you were the first to post offending material, however minor it was, doesn't sit well. As I say, you need to be aware of this happening, and nust chill out. Any action taken against any of your contributions shouldn't be taken as a personal attack, however that's what you are coming close to doing as of late. Black Vulpine of the Furry Nation. Furries make the Internets go! :3 19:59, 23 July 2017 (EDT)
Oook. Let me start with the easy part. I went through Parpotta's last 500 edits and this was the only summary (I could have missed something, sure, by all means link me to a specific) I saw that could be seen as inappropriate, and even then it's nothing I would have called him out on. I have witnessed only minor passive aggressiveness/sarcasm in his talk posts, but again, nothing I would say he was out of line for (again, specifics if you want).
Now the hard part: I too have seen you acting arrogant and condescending as Parpotta says. I have talked to you about this on Discord and pointed out some things. Most of the time these comments occur in instances in which they are just not necessary. A minor break of 1RV is not something to get in a fuss about. If it continues and becomes a problem, that's when the "you are edit warring a lot" discussion should occur.
I want to be clear that I am not warning/yelling at either of you, but I do want to see improvement in the areas I have described. Thank you. Serpent   King 20:19, 23 July 2017 (EDT)