Hamyojo is a Sheik main based in McKinney, Texas formerly known as a Yoshi main.
Though seemingly not yet recognized as a national threat, Hamyojo is a very present threat in Texas where he has bested other top Texas players such as SFOP, Mouf, Thoraxe, Pit, Albert, Jake13, and Mojo. Hamyojo has been known to sandbag using a variety of characters and stages in round 1 of locals. Hamyojo is also infamous for his timeout of DFW Ness main Nihlus at Monday Night Melee 44.
https://pvplive.net/c/esam-shocks-the-crowd-at-low-tier-city-4 - ESAM interview at LTC4
http://tloc.challonge.com/t1k_march - Jake13
http://tloc.challonge.com/DIME18 - Albert
http://tloc.challonge.com/MNM93 - Thoraxe
http://tloc.challonge.com/mnm91 - Pit
http://tloc.challonge.com/mnm89 - Mouf
http://tloc.challonge.com/DIME19 - Mojo and SFOP
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=to-tyOCJIAE - Nihlus timeout