Last revision made by John3637881 (talk) (04/20/2016 11:16:23)

Real Man User talk:Disaster Flare

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Moar congrats

You got it fair and square man, congratulations! MuteSpittah (talk) 04:41, 26 March 2016 (EDT)

Thanks. :D Disaster Flare   (talk) 10:22, 26 March 2016 (EDT)
Guess who's late again... Anyway, congrats dood! You earned it! Drill Blaster Mark 2 (talk) 12:12, 26 March 2016 (EDT)
You've earned it. Congratulations.  Nyargleblargle (Contribs) 13:42, 26 March 2016 (EDT)
Thanks guys. :D Disaster Flare   (talk) 13:52, 26 March 2016 (EDT)

Congratulations! -- Ethan (Discussion) 21:06, 26 March 2016 (EDT)

Nice work! Good luck with your adminship! (is that even a word lol) John   PK SMAAAASH!! 21:07, 26 March 2016 (EDT)
As one of my biggest influences on this site, congrats! Ganonmew, The Evil Clone 20:47, 27 March 2016 (EDT)
Felicitaciones!   DracoRex the Dino King (RAWR!) 23:07, 27 March 2016 (EDT)
Thanks (Wow I'm still getting congrats messages? XD). :D Disaster Flare   (talk) 23:09, 27 March 2016 (EDT)
I'd not be surprised. You are almost everyone's friend, and a lot of people were rooting for your promotion. Here are some examples. There are more in the archive 5. --  BeepYou, a user with no grammar at all :v (talk) 15:48, 28 March 2016 (EDT)

So I was super inactive for a week on a relaxing cruise with my family, so this is late, but congrats! I knew you could be one! Penro    10:40, 4 April 2016 (EDT)

I was wondering where you were. Thanks. :D Disaster Flare   (talk) 11:15, 4 April 2016 (EDT)

Why can't the Confusion & Afterburner thing be in both pages?

title Unowninator (talk) 12:19, 26 March 2016 (EDT)

It's more relevant to Heel Slide's page than it is to Confusion. Yeah Confusion starts it, but it's Heel Slide that bonks out. Disaster Flare   (talk) 12:21, 26 March 2016 (EDT)


Check your email. :P  Aidan, the Irish Dragon Warrior  17:12, 27 March 2016 (EDT)

Okay I replied, sorry. Been busy watching anime. XD Disaster Flare   (talk) 17:35, 27 March 2016 (EDT)


Greetings, previously I was uncapable of adding any sort of information about a player at all, what with not being an autoconfirmed user at the time. Kind of paradocixal, since you're naturally required to provide proof of notability for a player article to be legitimate, but how are you supposed to do that when you aren't authorised to create articles? Furthermore, there are already tons of players listed in various character pages without articles, what gives? Shieldbreakers (talk) 14:49, 29 March 2016 (EDT)

Firstly, new comments go on the bottom. Second, you seem to be misunderstanding exactly what we want. We don't mean creating an article for the smasher as proof of notability, we mean we want a link of some notable results, like good placings in notable tournaments (for example, 3rd in a regional or something like that). You can put said link in the edit summary when you are editing an article. Additionally, articles don't HAVE to exist to be on notable players lists, that just means we have to create the articles. As long as there is sufficient proof, a smasher can go on a notable players list, regardless of if they have an article or not. Hope this helps. Disaster Flare   (talk) 15:12, 29 March 2016 (EDT)
Ah, I see. Thank you for clearing things up. I'll make sure to read the guidelines more carefully before editing and creating articles in the future. Shieldbreakers (talk) 15:39, 29 March 2016 (EDT)
No problem, if you have any further questions, don't hesitate to ask. :D Disaster Flare   (talk) 15:47, 29 March 2016 (EDT)

You should probably

check your email. :P  Aidan, the Wandering Dragon Warrior  20:33, 30 March 2016 (EDT)


If I put your userbox on my page, will you put mine on?  Swagman, the Green Swordsman   18:36, 31 March 2016 (EDT)

April Fools

In the news section, can you change the link from Smash 5 to my Super Smash Bros. for NX, because no one can edit that link, but I already started mine and want to see how far it can grow! Trainiax: Waluigi in Smash? Discuss it! 13:20, 1 April 2016 (EDT)


I'm sorry about your hard undoing today.:( Fortunately I have been on the lookout.  Swagman, the Green Swordsman   13:27, 1 April 2016 (EDT)


This. Just to talk. --  BeepYou, a user with no grammar at all :v (talk) 16:32, 1 April 2016 (EDT)

Sure. I need to get away from this chaos anyway... o_o Disaster Flare   (talk) 16:33, 1 April 2016 (EDT)

If it's over, why's this still here?

"Please remember to adhere to SW:FOOLS. Thanks! "

Unowninator (talk) 18:55, 1 April 2016 (EDT)

Because I'm not exactly sure what I'm supposed to do with that... XD (Note to self: Ask Serpent for advice on how to deal with the site notice) Disaster Flare   (talk) 18:56, 1 April 2016 (EDT)

I see. Well it could cause some confusion, which is why I asked. BTW, what time zone are you in? Unowninator (talk) 19:00, 1 April 2016 (EDT)

Central time. I'll go ahead and see if I can remove the SW:FOOLS thing. Disaster Flare   (talk) 19:01, 1 April 2016 (EDT)

Smash @ Xanadu

Hey, I just noticed that the content on the page doesn't match up with everything I originally typed in. I drafted everything in Notepad and then copied it into the editing page, and I think some stuff got messed up/left out when I did that. There was supposed to be a table for Melee Doubles, as well as one for PM Singles. There are also some screwed up dates in the Melee Singles table, and there are some results missing, including the most recent one with n0ne. I'll get these fixed first thing tomorrow. CpnFlacon (talk) 21:46, 1 April 2016 (EDT)

kk, keep up the good work, it's about time we did get some info there so it's great what you've got so far. :D Disaster Flare   (talk) 21:47, 1 April 2016 (EDT)
Okay I could actually use your help. For some reason, when I go to the text box for editing the page as a whole, all of the text looks fine, and the script looks like it should work. But when I look at the preview for said script, it has merged the top half of the SSBM Singles table with the entirety of the Project M Singles table, and it has deleted the SSBM Doubles table entirely. Could you help me determine what's causing this? Thanks. CpnFlacon (talk) 13:16, 2 April 2016 (EDT)
Hmm...just looked at the problem, and I honestly can't make heads or tails of this myself. The tables are showing up in the edit box, but not when outside of it. I know someone who might be able to determine the problem though, so next time he gets on, I'll check with him to see if he knows what's going on. Disaster Flare   (talk) 19:39, 2 April 2016 (EDT)
He just found the problem and fixed it. They're showing up properly now. :D Disaster Flare   (talk) 20:17, 2 April 2016 (EDT)
Awesome! Thanks! Is there a reason why there is still a tag saying not all the tournament results have been recorded? CpnFlacon (talk) 12:15, 4 April 2016 (EDT)
Most likely because there are still some missing. Granted, I don't keep up with S@X so I really wouldn't know how much is missing. I recommend asking PokemonMasterJamal3 about it, as he was the one who added the tag in the first place. Disaster Flare   (talk) 12:45, 4 April 2016 (EDT)

About calling you The D...

I did it on purpose because I saw on your userpage that it annoys you, just because I'm a trolling person in general. Just pointing that out to you. XD Penro    22:01, 4 April 2016 (EDT)

I'm aware. I'm used to it so... XD Disaster Flare   (talk) 22:02, 4 April 2016 (EDT)
Ah ok. If it bothers you, I'll stop. Penro    22:03, 4 April 2016 (EDT)
Nah it doesn't bother me. :P Disaster Flare   (talk) 22:04, 4 April 2016 (EDT)
Alrightly, The D. Penro    22:06, 4 April 2016 (EDT)


Check my userpage. Penro    11:07, 5 April 2016 (EDT)


Congrats for becoming an admin... I wish to become one... but unfortunately I make, well, not many edits. I at least make sure they are big  Swagman, the Green Swordsman   11:34, 7 April 2016 (EDT)

Thanks. :D Adminship isn't as easy as it seems, just keep that in mind. Disaster Flare   (talk) 11:35, 7 April 2016 (EDT)
Man, I'd do anything to be an admin :(. I admire admins, mostly Serpent King  Swagman, the Green Swordsman   11:39, 7 April 2016 (EDT)

Didn't even knew that you made a second RfA, but anyway good job on that. Omega Tyrant   14:46, 9 April 2016 (EDT)

Thanks Omega. :D Disaster Flare   (talk) 14:59, 9 April 2016 (EDT)

Need to talk

On Web chat. Smashedpotatoes (Talk) 13:43, 9 April 2016 (EDT)

My bad

I definitely thought that was a "general page" and not a disambiguation in my morning stupor. —Preceding unsigned comment added by Thehard (talkcontribs) 21:47, 10 April 2016 (EST)

It's okay. Also while we're on the subject, I'd like to ask that you from now on give a reason you're adding cleanup tags (you can easily do that by putting in {{cleanup|<insert reason here>}}), because there have been quite a few you tagged in the past that didn't need to be cleaned up in any way. Disaster Flare   (talk) 17:52, 10 April 2016 (EDT)

Difference between s and iw?

Can't find it anywhere in the help pages... MuteSpittah (talk) 19:34, 10 April 2016 (EDT)

s is for regular links, iw is for pages with parentheses in them. For example, doing something like {{s|Name (Name)}} will give you Name (Name). Iw will hide the parentheses from the page, but still link to the right place. Disaster Flare   (talk) 19:35, 10 April 2016 (EDT)
Ok. So both are for interwiki linking? MuteSpittah (talk) 19:38, 10 April 2016 (EDT)
Yep, except we only use iw for interwiki articles that include parentheses in their names, basically to make articles look more professional. We use the s template for articles that have no parentheses in them whatsoever. Disaster Flare   (talk) 19:39, 10 April 2016 (EDT)
Cool. Thanks for the explanation. MuteSpittah (talk) 19:41, 10 April 2016 (EDT)
No problem. :D Disaster Flare   (talk) 19:42, 10 April 2016 (EDT)

Update Lists

{{UpdateList}} is completely updated with the update list pages, and has been implemented on those pages. Only thing left is to cross-match the template with the character pages. Serpent   King 15:10, 16 April 2016 (EDT)

When everything ends and you've moved all changes to the update templates, I could finish the job by filling in the info that is missing. --  BeepYou, a user with no grammar at all :v (talk) 15:56, 16 April 2016 (EDT)

Pew Pew Animals

Hi again Disaster Flare! I saw your undo; are you going to put my edit back up once it gets voted on? CpnFlacon (talk) 15:42, 19 April 2016 (EDT)

Once more people vote and the general consensus is still "yes", then yes, it will be put back up. However, some more things will still have to be removed from it if it happens, as when I was looking through it, I found a few Falco screenshots on Fox's, and there might've been some Fox screenshots on Falco's. Disaster Flare   (talk) 15:47, 19 April 2016 (EDT)
Awesome man, thanks! And yeah I think I might have missed a couple of screenshots from the galleries when I was personalizing each page. I know I missed a picture next to the Throws section of Falco's down throw on the Blaster (Fox) page. I was going to go back and replace that with one of Fox's down throw once I found a suitable and good-quality screenshot. But thanks for letting me know! When is the voting going to happen? CpnFlacon (talk) 11:10, 20 April 2016 (EDT)
That's a good question. You'd think more people would care to vote on something relatively significant like splitting a move article. You can vote here. John   PK SMAAAASH!! 11:16, 20 April 2016 (EDT)