Here is a list of common shorthand for long Smash-related terms:
Nair: Neutral aerial
Fair: Forward aerial
Dair: Down aerial
Bair: Back aerial
Uair: Up aerial
Zair: Aerial grab
ANA: Neutral aerial (lit. "Aerial Neutral A")
AFA: Forward aerial
ADA: Down aerial
ABA: Back aerial
AUA: Up aerial
Ftilt Forward tilt
Dtilt Down tilt
Utilt Up tilt
Fsmash Forward smash
Dsmash Down smash
Usmash Up smash
Fthrow Forward throw
Dthrow Down throw
Bthrow Back throw
Uthrow Up throw
FS Final Smash
BD: Bat drop
DI: Directional Influence
DJCFFL: Doublejump Cancel FastFall L-Cancel
FC: Fully charged or Friend Code
FFA: Free for all
OHKO: One-hit KO
OoS: Out of Shield
SH: Short Hop
SHFFL: Short Hop FastFall L-Cancel
WD: Wavedash
FOP: Fence of Pain (Kirby)
SHL/B: Short hop Laser/Blaster (Falco, Fox)
SWD: Super Wavedash (Samus)
YYG: Yoyo Glitch (Ness)
WOP: Wall of Pain (Primarily Jigglypuff)
CG: Chain Grab