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The Hookshot and the Clawshot are grab moves performed by Link and Young Link in Melee and Brawl


The Hookshot is Link's and Young Link's grab in Melee and Toon Link's Grab in Brawl. In Melee, Link/Young Link used this to perform the wall-grapple, while in Brawl, Toon Link uses his to perform the Tether Recovery.


The Clawshot is Link's grab in Brawl. Although it's very similar to the the Hookshot in Melee, Tether Recovery now lets it find and track the wall, instead just latching onto it when it touches. Also, when used in the air to attack, it has to points of attack. The first is when the claw is shot out and hit's the opponnent, then when the claw closes, it cuases more damage at the tip!
