SSBUP (short for Super Smash Bros. United Players) is a voluntary non-profit association. It was created in 2004 by a group of French smashers, to help tournament organization and to spread the knowledge of Melee played at high level.
Since its status has been acknowledged by the French State, the assocation can make it easier for people willing to organize a tournament to rent a venue. Just by contacting the president, the tournament director can get an offical document of the association status of SSBUP. This document make renting a venue really easier. This kind of national and official association seems to be unique in the Smash community.
Board of directors of the association
Former Boards of directors
October 14th, 2007 - October 26th, 2008
- Poilon, president.
- Joanna Dark aka JD, vice-president.
- Doraki, treasurer.
- Slhoka, secretary.
April 10th, 2004 - October 14th, 2007
- Mister D aka DD, president.
- Gooba, vice-president.
- Joanna Dark aka JD, treasurer.
- Doraki, secretary.