Blade Beam
Blade Beam.JPG
Cloud using Blade Beam at Robin (top) and Cloud using the Limit Break version (bottom).
User Cloud
Universe Final Fantasy

Blade Beam (破晄撃, Blasting Clear Strike) is Cloud's neutral special move.

Cloud fires a green shockwave from his Buster Sword, using a rising sword slash. The initial sword slash has no hitbox and deals no damage, and the beam bursts on the first target it hits.

If used on the ground, this beam deals 8% damage at close range and 6% past half distance. It travels 3/5 the length of Final Destination. The beam will follow the contour of the terrain, continuing at the terrain's angle even if it sails off an edge, making it an effective projectile on slopes.

If used in the air, the beam's damage is reduced by 2% at all ranges. It also travels slower, dissipating at just over half the length of Final Destination. When Cloud is firing the normal version in the air, he will stall slightly.

When Cloud is under Limit Break status (see Limit Charge), the shockwave emitted is blue and has transcendent priority. When used from the ground, its burst hits multiple times for a total of 19% damage on the first target and 13% on any targets immediately behind the first, then launches all affected. When used from the air, the values are reduced to 15%/10% for the initial target and additional targets respectively (with an expected drop in knockback). While using the aerial Limit Break version, Cloud will never stall in the air to first finish the move. If he lands before firing the beam, this will count as him using the 'grounded' version and deal its full damage/knockback.

No matter what version of Blade Beam is used, Cloud has slight horizontal maneuverability while casting it in the air. However, he cannot ledge grab until he concludes the move.


Special Move customization was added in Super Smash Bros. 4. These are the variations:

1. Blade Beam
"Slash the air to send out a shock wave. The wave can hit multiple enemies during a Limit Break."
  1. Blade Beam: Default.

Like the other DLC characters, Cloud currently lacks custom move variations.


Blade Beam in Final Fantasy VII.

Blade Beam is Cloud's third Limit Break in Final Fantasy VII. When used, Cloud fires a wave of energy that heavily damages one enemy and creates a shockwave that deals lesser damage to other enemies. Interestingly, in Final Fantasy VII Cloud does a downward slash to activate Blade Beam as opposed to the upward slash seen in SSB4.


  • When fired rightward onto the Great Fox's sharkfin on Corneria, the beam will dissipate as if it struck a wall. This fin is otherwise easily walked onto.