"Charliedaking" also known as "CDK" or "Charlie" is a Fox main who currently resides in Pasadena, California. He is known for consistently placing well in tournaments in his region, and regularly beating players who are on the Smash 4 Power Rankings. Charliedaking is widely considered to be one of the best Fox mains in SoCal. CDK has taken multiple sets off of different players who are on the Smash 4 Power Rankings, most notably beating Zenyou, the best Mario player in the U.S. Despite being relatively new to the Smash 4 competitve scene, Charlie was able to secure his spot in top 32 at Paragon Los Angeles 2015, placing among seasoned players such as Xzax, Z, and Falln. Although he's been able to consistently defeat ranked players and perform at an advanced level at tournaments, Charliedaking has yet to be added to the Smash 4 Power Rankings. However he is ranked 1st on the SoCal High School Smash Power Ranking due to his multiple first place finishes at HSS.