Funny Fake News STORM THE ALBATROSS ARRESTED FOR ATTEMPTED BANK ROBBERY! In a scene described by eyewitnesses as funny, Storm the Albatross was arrested yesterday for attempting to rob the local Johtonese bank. He was armed with a Machoke gun, and tried to get away in his Wario Bike. Unfortunately for him, Storm managed to collide with a Gogoat and flew off the road. He later managed to get away from the wreckage and into the nearby Corneria Poop He would have got away with it, had it not been for Misty,who managed to stop Storm by kicking him. The police later arrived and arrested Storm. This is not the first time Storm has been in trouble with the law: only last week, he was arrested for killing Minions. Storm's lawyers, upon being asked for a statement, said: "EGG YOU! WE LIKE POOP!" Misty, who stopped Storm, stated "I'm not a hero, I'm just a normal girl" A Pigeotto,who was at the bank when the robbery happened, said "I found the whole thing wild and fun!"
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