I don't know how to make PROFESSIONAL Userboxes so here goes nothing. P.S. this thing is under construction.
User Boxes
This user is the most popular of all. |
This user is tall and skinny. |
This user dislikes doctor's offices. |
This user couldn't care less about "fashion" or what's "in style". |
This user likes the series Mario Galaxy. |
This user is strong. |
This user is a kid. |
This user likes eggs. |
This user has no need for a toothbrush. |
This user does not like bananas. |
This user likes peanuts. |
This user prefers elf hats. |
This user prefers Majora's Mask over Twilight Princess. |
This user has large eyes. |
This user has two faces. |
This user has a massive amount of ninja. |
This user likes triangles. |
This user works solo. |
This user is an acrobat. |
This user doesn't care whether a game is animated or realistic. |
This user is awesome. |
This user drops da hammah on u. |
Only this user flies right. |
This user thinks a cloned Final Smash is the developors' fault. |
This uservice thonks that the SSE could use more . |
This user is affectionate towards ketchup. |
This user has an extremely powerful musical mind. |
This user could have de-cloned the entire roster. |
This user is the original, not the duplicate. |
This user is super effective. |
This user dislikes water. |
This user hates the outdoors. |
This user chooses preference over performance. |
This user dislikes traditional fighting games. |
This user hides in the shadows. |
This user is male. |
This user is a nonconformist. |
This user is a wimp. |
This user is vulnerable to low temperatures. |
This user prefers to remain at a distance. |
This user respects the timey-wimey. |
This user has annoying sweetspots. |
Prepare yourself for this user. |
This user has a large vocabulary. |
This user is probably of the last generation that can appreciate the offline world. |
This user has an arsenal. |
This user tells it like it is. |
This user is a good guy. |
This user has a scientific mind. |
This user plays, investigates, and makes games. |
This user has reflexes. |
This user has large pockets. |
This user really shouldn't be alive based on what he eats. |
This user isn't sure where he stands on games with too many options. |
This user enjoys your failure. |
This user will taunt you. |
This user once had a huge cardboard box. |
This user likes shenanigans. |
This user dislikes paranormals. |