Chris Fisch
Character info
Brawl main Meta Knight
Smash 4 main Diddy Kong
Team info
Crew(s) EGL (sponsor)
Personal and other info
Real name Chris Fisch
Birth date (age 33)
Location Toronto, ON Canada

Chris Fisch is a Brawl and SSB4 player from Ontario. He began achieving top placements at Brawl tournaments within the Greater Toronto Area in mid 2013, and is currently 2nd on the Southern Ontario Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Power Rankings. He placed 98th on CLASH Tournaments' SSBBRank.

Notable tournament placings

Super Smash Bros. Brawl

Tournament Date 1v1 Placement 2v2 Placement Partner
SiD 13 February 2nd, 2013 13th
SiD 15 April 13th, 2013 9th
SiD 16 May 11th, 2013 4th
SKTAR 2 Augut 3rd-4th,2013 33rd 25th YoshQ
Dynasty Battles August 31st, 2013 2nd Red X
Dynasty Battles 2 September 21st, 2013 3rd 2nd Red X
Dynasty Battles 3 November 23rd, 2013 5th Soares
Dynasty Battles Winter Special December 19th, 2013 5th 1st Toronto Joe
Apex 2014 January 17th-19th, 2014 33rd pidgezero_one
Dynasty Battles Special 2 February 15th, 2014 5th 3rd Meekspeedy
Dynasty Battles 4 March 22nd, 2014 7th 2nd Swordgard
Get On My Level May 10th-11th, 2014 4th 4th Lights
Dynasty Battles 5 June 14th, 2014 3rd 1st Leon
Dynasty Battles 6 July 12th, 2014 2nd 2nd Inle
Neo Canadia September 20th, 2014 3rd 2nd Toronto Joe
Neo Canadia 2 October 19th, 2014 2nd 1st Blacktwins
Neo Canadia 4 December 27th, 2014 3rd
Apex 2015 January 30th-February 1st, 2015 9th 13th JAKAT
Smash@York 7 April 11th, 2015 3rd

Project M

Tournament Date 1v1 placement 2v2 placement Partner
Smash@York 3 November 9th, 2014 3rd

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U

Tournament Date 1v1 Placement 2v2 Placement Partner
The Come Up December 6th-7th, 2014 7th 4th Poke
Apex 2015 January 30th-February 1st, 2015 49th
Neo Canadia 5 January 24th, 2015 3rd 9th V115
Smash@York 5 February 5th, 2015 1st 2nd Toronto Joe
Smash@York 6 February 14th, 2015 1st Toronto Joe
LAN WAR X March 21st, 2015 5th 3rd Toronto Joe
Codename: Salty Bets (Vanilla) March 27th, 2015 1st
Codename: Salty Bets 2 (Vanilla) April 17th, 2015 4th
Codename: Salty Bets 3 (Vanilla) May 1st, 2015 3rd
Enthusiast Gaming Live May 16th-17th, 2015 4th 3rd IceNinja