File:Zuree Smash Run.png
A Zuree in Smash Run.
Universe Kid Icarus
Article on Icaruspedia Zuree

Zurees (ズリー, Zuree) are enemies from the Kid Icarus series, and appear as such in Smash Run in Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS.

Trophy Description


The Zuree usually live in the Underworld, but in Kid Icarus, Medusa set them to work guarding the Palace in the Sky. In Smash Bros., they appear as a silvery mist, waiting until they've floated close enough to a fighter before showing themselves and attacking with their sharp claws. That's your cue to fight back!


Zurees are Underworld-affiliated enemies that appeared in the original Kid Icarus game and in Kid Icarus: Uprising. In Uprising, they can shift from a blue flame and back; in their flame state, they are invulnerable to attacks. After they shift to their true form, their claw attacks cause shaking, a condition where the reticle moves in an erratic pattern and homing shots become impossible.