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SSB4 - Mimicutie.jpg
A Mimicutie attacks.
Universe Kid Icarus
Article on Icaruspedia Mimicutie

Mimicuties (ミミッ子, Mimikid) are enemies in Smash Run in Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS. They will disguise themselves as treasure chests, like in Kid Icarus: Uprising, and are intended to trick players into thinking they are real treasure chests. If a character approaches a Mimicutie, it will sprout a pair of legs and start wildly kicking the character.


Mimicuties were introduced in Uprising. They appear as standard chests at first. Unlike other "fake chests" in many other games that have teeth inside their lid, Mimicuties will sprout legs when an unsuspecting player approaches. They will proceed to run around and perform kicking attacks. This behavior carries over into Smash Run.
