Sir Teatei Moonlight

Joined October 21, 2010
Revision as of 17:43, September 27, 2014 by Sir Teatei Moonlight (talk | contribs) (yeah sorry to not help the wiki itself but i got no clue how to contribute in this mess)
The best image on the wiki. If you delete you are boring.
dis be me, deal

Hey-o. I generally don't do much, but I like to think I know how to wiki. So I'll just do some stuff and you don't hurt me, alrighty?

MODUS OPERANDI: I like going to random pages and reading them, then seeing if I want to change any of it. Typically I'll do somewhere between 3-7 edits every time I decide to show up.

I will avoid editing other people's stalk pages as long as I can. Also, if I ever try to get involved in the wiki politiks, ban me. :P (may or may not be srs)

Every now and then I put better lyrics to songs. They're here.

Opinion of the SSB4 Roster


Dark Pit is k, but he didn't need to be a clone. Dr. Mario is goodstuff, but literally everyone and their budgie will complain he stole Mewtwo's spot (which...I kinda-sorta agree with, to be honest, even though I agree it's a bit of a dumb viewpoint). Miis suck, always and forever. Duck Hunt dog and bird need fan-names. Dunno who Shulk is, but won't complain. Bowser Jr deserves a spot, but not a fan of his moveset concept. Rosalina less worthy IMO but can't complain. Greninja's a pokemon, ambivalent. Lucina and Robin, never followed FE so dunno much about 'em, but at least they aren't both clones. WFT is lame. Little Mac isn't. Villager is trolly in a good way. Paluneta is alright, could certainly do worse. Third-parties are always lame.

Ice Climbers should be here, "technicanl reasons" is flat-out askerisks. All other cut vets shouldn't have been cut, common sense.

Opinion of the SSB4 demo


It's a demo, what can you say. Quite a lot actually.

  • Items are on way too high, they feel like doubel as often as prwevious games.
  • Pikachu is goooooood.
  • Villager's ground moves and specials are fun to use, but the tree goes away too fast. And his aerials are lame.
  • Why does Link have tippers on some of his moves? That's Marth's shitck.
  • DId Mario's fireball really have to be weakened?
  • Mega Man sucks.