The Administrators' noticeboard is intended to be a page to quickly alert the administrators to issues that need their attention.

To make a request or statement, create a new section and provide a neutral, precise summary of events with thought-out reasoning, and, if possible, links to any pages with relevant discussions. It is also a good idea to notify any users involved with the request with a link to the section on this page. Make sure to add new sections to the bottom.

Report vandals at the top of the following section labeled for such reports at the using {{IP|Username}}, where Username is the name of the user or the IP vandal's IP address.

For reporting similar and unacceptable usernames, report them here instead of on this page. This is done to keep the reports in one place, and because unacceptable usernames can be more subjective (unlike vandal/spam accounts), which may necessitate discussion (which the linked page will be more suited to handle).

Vandal/spam account reports (talk · contribs · logs · block user · block log · WHOIS) vandalism. BRAWLS   OF  FURY 00:45, 27 June 2014 (EDT)

I see a pattern and it's likely that this guy will definitely be coming back once another 3 months passes. Mind if we, I guess, make his ban longer or permaban him? Dots (talk)   The Pokéball 01:04, 27 June 2014 (EDT)