Instant Kill

Is it fair to say it's the only non-boss enemy capable of OHK'ing? Sorry, forgot about GST. ScoreCounter (talk) 14:45, 1 May 2014 (EDT)

Tempura Wizards can instant kill if they touch you while you're inflicted with Tempura, an ailment they can inflict on you. Other than thst, I can't think of any non-bosses. FirstaLasto 14:58, 1 May 2014 (EDT)
Yeah, but that's technically a Two Hit Kill, since you only ever see one of them and only they can inflict Tempura. ScoreCounter (talk) 15:06, 1 May 2014 (EDT)
I suppose so. If you word it as being the only normal enemy capable of a one hit kill outside of special circumstances or something, it should be fine. FirstaLasto 15:51, 1 May 2014 (EDT)

How is this about the Tempura Wizards? This is about the Orre enemy, so let's try and stay on topic. --EpicWendigo (talk) 16:01, 1 May 2014 (EDT)

They're trying to argue whether or not if the Orne is the only non-boss that can instakill you. I'd say that Tempura Wizards would have two hits: one for tempura magic, and the other to kill you (according to their figure, they eat you). Red (talk)   16:24, 1 May 2014 (EDT)