in Project M and Project+
Squirtle SSBB.png
Universe Pokémon
Base game appearance Brawl
Moveset inspiration Squirtle (SSBB)
Squirtle (SSBB)

Squirtle is a playable character in the Brawl mod Project M. Like Ivysaur and Charizard, it has been separated from the Pokémon Trainer and so fights alone. It has also been given significant buffs.


Changes from Brawl to PM

Squirtle's down special, Bubble.

Squirtle has been buffed noticeably from Brawl to Project M.

  •   Shellshifting has been retained and Squirtle now has even more follow up options, most notably a long jump canceled grab.
  •   Pivot now has a hitbox that deals 3% damage and weakly launches enemies away with high base knockback, leading better into shellshift techniques, most notably the Hydroplane for a KO.
  •   Down tilt now hits just twice, while dealing nearly the same damage, making it faster and harder to escape.
  •   All attacks involving Squirtle's shell have launch resistance. The stronger the attack, the heavier the armor.
  •   Neutral aerial is now a vertical shell spin with more gimping potential, having a better knockback scaling and a semi-spike angle.
  •   With the faster-paced physics and enhanced aerial combos, Squirtle's aerial attacks are generally more useful, with its up aerial easily juggling fastfallers and heavyweights, and its forward and back aerials having increased gimping potential and giving Squirtle a pseudo-wall of pain.
  •   Down aerial is better at damaging, and on grounded opponents it acts as a locking meteor smash akin to Jigglypuff's down air.
  •   Forward smash has its knockback increased.
  •   First hit of up smash is now on Squirtle's jump, with the pumps hitting just once, allowing the first hit to link better with the second.
  •   Down smash hits consecutively and deals more damage, with the first hits meteoring the foe.
  •   Water Gun now deals consecutive damage and can clash with other projectiles. The move now shoots a stream of water even when uncharged, has faster startup for shooting in all levels of charge, and retains its push effect so that Squirtle is left less vulnerable if the move whiffs.
  •   Withdraw is now completely immune to projectiles and can change directions, along with traveling faster and having a slightly extended duration. When hitting an opponent, Squirtle bounces and cancels the move, leading better into aerials.
  •   Waterfall travels faster and has increased KO potential.
  •   Pokémon Change has been replaced by a new move called Bubble; a fast, short-ranged projectile with multiple hits that trips grounded opponents (for tech-chases), and has an horizontal angle on aerial targets that can easily gimp them.
  •   Squirtle keeps momentum upon grabbing opponents, which when combined with shellshifting causes throws to KO more easily, especially down throw.
  •   Down throw is much stronger in terms of damage while keeping its powerful knockback from Brawl, with Squirtle now having the strongest throw of all lightweights in the game.
  •   Neutral aerial has slightly slower startup.
  •   Water Gun can now be absorbed.
  •   Waterfall was given more startup lag, and its hits no longer link properly.
  •   Down throw now has a water effect.
  •   Withdraw can be canceled into a fast damaging jump called Aqua Jet by using the attack button, which has long range and is faster and stronger, but leaves Squirtle helpless, and therefore easily prone to self-destructs if used near edges.
  •   New on-screen appearance: Squirtle comes on using Withdraw.
  •   Pokémon Trainer victory pose replaced: Squirtle squirts water in an arc and then poses.
  •   Pressing a special button just before Squirtle lands from his up taunt results in it getting black sunglasses based on those wore by the leader of the Squirtle Squad in the Pokémon anime. The glasses shatter if Squirtle is attacked.



  •   Forward smash, down smash, and neutral aerial now have Medium Armor during the initial attack, and Light Armor during the remainder of the time Squirtle is in his shell.
  •   Turnrun, crawl attack, and Withdraw now have Light Armor while Squirtle is in his shell.
  •   Dash attack covers more space during the initial lunge. Hits earlier and harder. Hit angles lowered to send foes further in front of Squirtle.
  •   Forward smash now retains previous momentum.
  •   Forward aerial's knockback was slightly increased.
  •   Down aerial hits more frequently and faster. Tweaked the linking hit's knockback to ease the difficulty in landing all the hits.
  •   Down aerial's final hit sends forward and base knockback increased.
  •   Turn grab range increased.
  •   Revamped positioning, sizing, and timing of initial hitboxes so that the sweetspot comes out first and has greater priority among the other hitboxes.
  •   Lingering hitbox has a higher angle and increased base knockback.
  •   Withdraw's Aqua Jet landing lag slightly reduced.
  •   Up tilt base knockback reduced making it juggle better at lower percents.
  •   Up smash's hitboxes at the top of the water pillars have slightly reduced knockback.
  •   Fixed a bug with Water Gun charge that could prevent his shield from being damaged.
  •   Withdraw knockback growth decreased.
  •   Water burst hitboxes now only hit to the side of Squirtle, with decreased damage, hit angle, and knockback.
  •   Ground to air physics and aerial friction adjusted so that Squirtle retains more momentum into the air.
  •   Squirtle's hidden "Shades" no longer break unless Squirtle is sent into tumble from knockback.
  •   Armor system was streamlined to match the new Project M standard of Light, Medium and Heavy Armor (note that Squirtle has no Heavy Armor).
  •   Squirtle flashes blue when he has Medium Armor, Withdraw duration and Watergun charge flashes changed to yellow to prevent confusion.
  •   Aqua Jet has Medium Armor while Squirtle is in his shell.
  •   Fixed > 100% ledge attack timer on hitboxes. Now actually hits properly.
  •   Squirtle now has a crawl attack. He quickly spins forward in shell, popping an opponent up above him as he passes through.
  •   Jab 1, 2 and 3 movement reduced and knockback tweaked to aid in linking all three hits.
  •   Forward tilt start up and cooldown notably reduced.
  •   Forward tilt's knockback power tweaked so that it has less punch at low percents, but is still comparable at high percent.
  •   Forward tilt and down tilt tail intangibility redone to ensure that all tail hurtboxes are unhittable while Squirtle is attacking.
  •   Down tilt animation sped up so that Squirtle attacks faster and with less time in between tail swipes. Second hit angle raised slightly>
  •   Up tilt reverted to a brawl-like animation.
  •   Up smash now retains more reverse momentum, restoring the ability to perform Reverse Hydroplane up smashes.
  •   Down smash start up increased, but cooldown was significantly reduced.
  •   Down smash's hitbox sizes were decreased and lowered to reduce vertical disjoint above Squirtle.
  •   All of down smash's repeating hitboxes were homogenized to draw in, while the final hit is now a moderate strength pop-up above and behind Squirtle.
  •   Neutral aerial's lingering hit angle raised.
  •   Neutral aerial's landing lag now generates a splash instead of a dust cloud.
  •   Back aerial and up aerial mismatched on-hit sound effects fixed.
  •   Added a missing body hitbox during up aerial's initial hit, and pushed the outer hitbox out slightly.
  •   Up aerial's cooldown reduced.
  •   Up aerial and down aerial tail intangibility added while Squirtle is attacking>
  •   Down aerial reverted to a brawl-like animation.
  •   Down aerial's cooldown significantly reduced.
  •   Forward throw and up throw cooldown reduced.
  •   Water Gun stream hitboxes do reduced damage and knockback at a lower hit angle to aid in landing consecutive streams. Slightly increased the amount of the stream that only pushes with no knockback or damage>
  •   Water Gun has a new mid-level charge that shoots eight streams with reduced duration and cooldown.
  •   Water Gun full charge now shoots fourteen streams with reduced duration and cooldown.
  •   Withdraw's aerial physics and vertical momentum tweaked on startup to be more consistent.
  •   Withdraw can now fall off of edges while turning around.
  •   Withdraw's input changed from "Up B" to "A".
  •   Withdraw now has two frames of start-up.
  •   Aerial control during Withdraw's Aqua Jet was removed entirely. You can still reverse it however.
  •   Withdraw's Aqua Jet bug where it would not rise when used out of hitstun fixed.
  •   Waterfall start up increased and movement speed increased. Animation edited to reflect changes and transition into special fall better.
  •   Waterfall hitboxes decreased in size and rearranged to better cover Squirtle while reducing forward disjoint.
  •   Waterfall linking hits reduced to two, knockback and SDI modifiers tweaked to make linking into the final hit more percent, DI, and weight/fall speed dependent.


  •   Due to the SCD bugfix, much of Squirtle’s moveset required physics compensations. His gravity was also slightly increased.
  •   List of compensated moves: Withdraw, Withdraw jump, Withdraw rebound, Aqua Jet, Waterfall, double jump.
  •   Tech rolls adjusted so that the movement occurs slightly later in the animation.
  •   Dash length significantly shortened. As a result, Shell Shift requires less commitment to input.
  •   Crawl attack’s input made easier.
  •   Standing grab reverse/inside range increased.
  •   Down smash IASA removed and cooldown increased>
  •   Withdraw jump can now be input during Withdraw turn once Squirtle has changed directions>



Up to date as of version 3.0.

Name Damage Description
Neutral attack Jab, Kick, Pound 3%, 2% then 6% (11% total)
Forward tilt Tail Flick 8%
Up tilt Hopping Headbutt 7%
Down tilt Rapid Spin 2% then 8% (10% total)
Crawl attack 3%
Dash attack Tackle 9% (clean), 7% (late)
Forward smash Shell Smash 16%
Up smash Hydro Pump 3% then 14% (17% total)
Down smash Water Sport 2 hits of 3%, then 6% (12% total)
Neutral aerial Aqua Wheel 11% (clean), 8% (late)
Forward aerial Jump Kick 13% (clean), 8% (late)
Back aerial Tail Poke 12% (clean), 8% (late)
Up aerial Turtle Flip 11% (body), 6% (tail)
Down aerial Whirlpool 4 hits of 2%, then 5% (13% total)
Pummel Head Rattle 3%
Forward throw Kick Toss 6%
Back throw Reverse Kick Toss 10%
Up throw Shell Shuttle 7%
Down throw Hydro Slam 14%
Floor attack (front) 6%
Floor attack (back) 6%
Floor attack (trip) 5%
Edge attack (fast) 8%
Edge attack (slow) 10%
Neutral special Water Gun 6%-14%
Side special Withdraw 8-9% (slide), 12%-9% (Aqua Jet)
Up special Waterfall 4%, 3% then 9% (16% total)
Down special Bubble 3 hits of 3% (9% total)
Final Smash None (yet) - Along with Charizard and Ivysaur, Squirtle doesn't have a Final Smash for the current version of Project M. Getting a Smash Ball with it will just cause it to shatter without any effect.

In competitive play

Notable players

Palette swaps

Squirtle's palette swaps in PM

Like Ivysaur and Charizard, Squirtle gets more significant palette swaps for Project M. It now uses its default palette for the Blue Team.

Each of Squirtle's alternate costumes are based on different Pokémon:

  • The green one (used for Green Team) is based on Turtwig.
  • The orange one (used for Red Team) is based on Charmander.
  • The yellow one is based on Koopa Troopa.
  • The pink one is based on Mew.
  • The purple one is a Shiny Squirtle.

External links